Virtual AMO Series

Fragility of life or what would happen if the speed of light were smaller


Abstract: The anthropic principle implies that life can emerge and be sustained only in a narrow range of values of fundamental constants. We show that anthropic arguments can set powerful constraints on transient variations of the fine-structure constant alpha (or, colloquially, speed of light) over the past 4 billion years since the appearance of lifeforms on Earth.

Enhanced cooling and quantum control of divalent atoms for the next generation of optical lattice clocks


Abstract: Atomic clocks operating in the optical domain are now capable of measuring time at up to eighteen digits of precision, and fundamental limits offer significant potential for even higher performance. To reach this goal, the next-generation of optical lattice clocks will require more advanced control of lattice-trapped atomic samples. To this end, here we consider two novel laser cooling strategies that exploit the extensive atom-laser coherence possible with divalent atomic structure.