JILA Thesis Defense

Quantum many-body dynamics of atomic platforms for quantum simulation and metrology


A key goal in modern quantum science is to harness the complex behavior of quantum systems to develop new technologies. While precisely engineered platforms featuring ultracold atoms and trapped ions have emerged as powerful tools for this task, the limited ability to theoretically probe these systems poses challenges for improved control and characterization. In this thesis, I focus on the development of new computational tools, utilizing tensor networks and phase space methods, for studying the far-from-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems.

Across the Tachocline Divide: Convection and Dynamo Action in M-Dwarf Stars

Abstract: The onset of the vigorous magnetic activity which characterizes the M-dwarfs coincides with a transition to fully spherical convection and consequently the loss of the tachocline—a shear layer with considerable importance for the solar dynamo. We report on a series of more than 80 massively parallel, fully 3D global MHD convection simulations used to study the dynamo action of M-dwarfs on either side of this transition. We observe a great diversity of potential magnetic behaviors, highlights from which we present here.

Study on Metal-Ligand Interactions: Infrared Ion Spectroscopy of Coordination Compounds


Abstract: A molecular level investigation of metal-ligand interactions that govern structure and function in coordination complexes. Coordination compounds perform a wide variety of important chemical tasks, from the biochemical transport of molecules and ions to industrial applications in electrocatalysis and contaminant sequestration. Coordination chemistry with organic ligands is ubiquitous, providing chemical access to over half of the periodic table.

Characterizing Quantum Devices Using the Principles of Quantum Information


Abstract: The past few decades have born out exquisite improvements in the control of quantum systems, with quantum computing and quantum metrology at the forefront. It has therefore become essential to design methodologies for assessing the performance of these devices. Unsurprisingly, the field of quantum information has already paved the way forward.

Setting Experimental Bounds on Entangled Two-Photon Absorption Cross Sections


Entangled two-photon absorption (E2PA) is a process in which entangled photon pairs are used instead of a pulsed laser to excite a two-photon transition. The correlation of these photons in time and space may improve the excitation efficiency. In this work, we develop experimental apparatuses that enable sensitive measurements of E2PA via both transmittance and fluorescence-based schemes. We show strong evidence that E2PA cross sections are several orders of magnitude lower than many prior reports claimed.