Adam Kaufman

Our recent manuscripts from the Strontium experiment have been published!


Our recent manuscripts on tweezer programmable quantum walks and optical clock Bell states were published in Science and Nature Physics. You can read more about these experiments here

Both of these experiments relied on some new technology we developed for interfacing optical tweezer arrays and optical lattices. This approach was recently highlight here, in a piece by Giulia Semeghini. 


Nelson joined the lab in September 2022 as a Humboldt postdoctoral fellow. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Bloch group at LMU in Munich, where he worked on ultracold ytterbium quantum gases in optical lattices. For his thesis work, he explored how the clock state of ytterbium can be employed for the simulation of interesting multiorbital models from solid-state physics.


Alec completed his undergraduate studies at UC Santa Barbara. He began in research working on a collaboration between Professors David Weld and Ania Jayich, constructing a UHV apparatus for studying surface decoherence of nitrogen vacancy centers. He then transitioned to the Weld lab’s ultracold lithium-7 apparatus, investigating transport dynamics and many-body chaos in Floquet lattice systems.


Matteo joined the group in April 2022. He completed his Ph.D. thesis in the group of Jonathan Home at ETH Zurich, where he investigated the use of mixed-species chains of trapped ions to perform proof-of-principle experiments of quantum error correction and quantum computation. After his Ph.D., he worked at the newly founded ETH-PSI Quantum Computing Hub as the trapped-ion experimental lead scientist, where he conceived and led the construction of the first experimental setup.


Ting You joined the Regal-Kaufman cryo-lab after completing his undergrad studies at the National University of Singapore. His love for atomic physics developed after spending a year in the group of Professor Christian Kurtsiefer. After learning the ropes of AMO physics experiments, he joined the group of Assistant Professor Travis Nicholson. For his honors project, Ting You helped to build the first Magneto-optical trap of Indium. Ting You will now help to construct a cryogenic Rydberg atom array experiment, exploring new physics with excitement.