Adam Kaufman

Press Clipping: JILA Fellow and NIST Physicist Adam Kaufman highlighted in new CUbit Quantum Initiative Video

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JILA Fellow and NIST physicist Adam Kaufman was recently highlighted in a CUbit Quantum Initiative video as part of CUbit's larger NSF-funded organization Q-SEnSE (Quantum Systems through Entangled Science and Engineering). In the video, Kaufman discusses how to use optical tweezer systems, a web of laser lights, to enhance the measurements of atomic clocks. 


Jamie joined the group after completing undergraduate degrees in Physics and French at the University of Oklahoma. As an undergrad, she explored several areas of research, from particle physics to accelerator design to plasma physics, before discovering atomic physics, which captured her interest. Her love for atomic physics grew while working in the group of Prof. Grant Biedermann at OU building a cesium optical tweezer experiment. After graduation, she interned for a year at the Institut d’Optique in Paris in the group of Prof.


Kaizhao rejoined the group as a graduate student after he finished his master's degree in Quantum Engineering at ETH Zurich and bachelor's degree at Tsinghua University in Beijing. His interest in quantum information processing started when he was a visiting student at Oxford during his bachelor's degree. After returning to Beijing, he joined the group of Prof.

Lukin Yelin

Theo joined the Kaufman group after completing a degree in Physics and Computer Science at Harvard University. After taking a year to work in Cybersecurity research and development after graduating, he decided fighting fundamental forces of nature was more fun than fighting hackers. During his undergraduate studies, he worked with professor Markus Greiner and the Atom Array lab on his thesis project to use a combination of AOMs and SLMs to enable ultra-fast phase-stable pattern generation for laser light.


Gaurav completed his undergraduate studies at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. Here, he had his first encounter with quantum error correction, working with Prof. Mandayam to develop circuit models for channel-adapted error-correcting codes. Later, he moved on to exploring quantum synchronization in driven-dissipative systems with a former JILAn Dr. Athreya Shankar.