
Joshua Knobloch

Joshua spent his childhood living and working on a family farm in rural Illinois. In the fall of 2010, he enrolled at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana; in addition to classes, he worked as an undergraduate teaching assistant for the beginning physics courses, and he designed and constructed a project which utilized seismic diffraction to monitor fluid invasion in fracture apertures in the Applied Experimental GeoPhyiscs Research group. In the spring of 2014, he graduated from Purdue University summa cum laude with a B.S. in Honors Physics and Mathematics; and later that year, he began his graduate career at the University of Colorado at Boulder where he spent his first year as a graduate teaching assistant. In the summer of 2015, he joined the KM group on a project which utilizes tabletop coherent EUV light to probe acoustic and thermal dynamics to characterize material and phononic properties of nanoscale systems. When not in the lab, he enjoys hiking in the mountains, playing basketball, and practicing piano.

Honors & Awards: 

  • SRC Graduate Fellowship

  • SRC TECHCON Student Presentation Award (2019)

  • SRC Intel Fellowship (2016)
Joshua Knobloch photo.