
Charlie Bevis

Charlie was not born, but very much bred in Boulder, Colorado. He attended the University of Colorado at Boulder for his undergraduate studies where he worked with Prof. Steve Cundiff, studying nonlinear interactions between matter and ultrashort laser pulses. In 2011, Charlie graduated at the top of his class, summa cum laude, with distinction with a BA in physics and a minor in mathematics. After graduating, Charlie relocated to Seattle, WA where he worked in the field of science education and outreach, developing and running after school programs aimed at exposing elementary school students to concepts in engineering and physics through building with LEGO materials. In 2014, Charlie returned to the University of Colorado to begin his graduate studies in physics, joining the Imaging Team of the Kapteyn-Murnane Group at JILA. Here, his research is focused the design, development, and implementation of novel coherent diffractive imaging systems for use with coherent X-ray and EUV sources.

Charlie Bevis photo.
Current Affiliation
Postdoctoral Scientist, University of Pavia, Italy