Research Highlights

Laser Physics | Precision Measurement | Quantum Information Science & Technology
Creating the “Goldilocks” Zone: Making Special-Shaped Light
A rendering of two differently polarized lasers used to create elliptical polarization
Published: November 16, 2023

In a new study published in Scientific Reports, JILA Fellow and University of Colorado Boulder physics professor Andreas Becker and his team theorized a new method to produce extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and x-ray light with elliptical polarization, a special shape in which the direction of light waves’ oscillation is changing. This method could provide experimentalists with a simple technique to generate such light, which is beneficial for physicists to further understand the interactions between electrons in materials on the quantum level, paving the way for designing better electronic devices such as circuit boards, solar panels, and more.

PI: Andreas Becker
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Laser Physics
Reconstructing Laser Pulses
Representation of the temporal profile of a laser used in the Becker Lab.
Published: July 19, 2021

Many physicists use lasers to study quantum mechanics, atomic and molecular physics and nanophysics. While these lasers can be helpful in the research process, there are certain constraints for the researcher. According to JILA Fellow Andreas Becker: "For certain wavelengths of these laser pulses, such as deep ultraviolet, you may not know, or not be able to measure, the temporal profile." The temporal profile of a laser pulse is, however, important for researchers when analyzing data. "A lot of people cannot fully analyze their data, because they don't know the details of the pulse that was used to produce the data," said graduate student Spencer Walker. As a way to research this constraint, the Becker and Jaron-Becker laboratories collaborated to publish a paper in Optics Letters, suggesting a possible solution.

PI: Agnieszka Jaron-Becker | PI: Andreas Becker
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Atomic & Molecular Physics | Laser Physics
The Atomic Trampoline
Model of Doorway States
Published: July 02, 2021

The process of creating spin-polarized electrons has been studied for some time but continues to surprise physicists. These types of electrons have their spin aligned in a specific direction. The probability of creating a spin-polarized electron from an atom tends to be rather small except in some very specific situations. Yet, in a new paper published in Physical Review A, JILA graduate student Spencer Walker, former graduate student Joel Venzke, and former undergraduate student Lucas Kolanz in the Becker Lab theorized a new way towards enhancing this probability through the use of ultrashort laser pulses and an electron’s so-called doorway states. These doorway states are excited states of an electron in an atom that is closest to its lowest energy state, the ground state. 

PI: Andreas Becker
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Atomic & Molecular Physics
Measuring Spinning Donuts
Attosecond laser pulses capture electrons as they leave an atom.
Published: November 04, 2020

Follow that electron! JILA researchers have proposed a means of capturing an electron's flight path during ionization, and in doing so, determining the state of the atom at that moment.

PI: Andreas Becker | PI: Agnieszka Jaron-Becker
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Laser Physics
A Collaborative Mastery of X-rays
Published: July 18, 2018

The hardest problems are never solved by one person. They are solved by teams; or in the case of science, collaborations. It took a collaboration of 17 researchers, including four JILA fellows and another six JILA affiliates, just a little over five years to achieve robust polarization control over isolated attosecond (one billionth of a billionth of a second) pulses of extreme-ultraviolet light. 

PI: Andreas Becker | PI: Agnieszka Jaron-Becker | PI: Henry Kapteyn | PI: Margaret Murnane
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Laser Physics
Back to the Future: The Ultraviolet Surprise
Published: December 03, 2015

Imagine laser-like x-ray beams that can “see” through materials––all the way into the heart of atoms. Or, envision an exquisitely controlled four-dimensional x-ray microscope that can capture electron motions or watch chemical reactions as they happen. Such exquisite imaging may soon be possible with laser-like x-rays produced on a laboratory optical table. These possibilities have opened up because of new research from the Kapteyn/Murnane group.

PI: Agnieszka Jaron-Becker | PI: Andreas Becker | PI: Henry Kapteyn | PI: Margaret Murnane
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Atomic & Molecular Physics
An Ultrafast Photoelectric Adventure
Published: March 02, 2015

The photoelectric effect has been well known since the publication of Albert Einstein’s 1905 paper explaining that quantized particles of light can stimulate the emission of electrons from materials. The nature of this quantum mechanical effect is closely related to the question how much time it might take for an electron to leave a material such as a helium atom.

PI: Agnieszka Jaron-Becker | PI: Andreas Becker
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Laser Physics
The Long and the Short of Soft X-rays
Published: May 27, 2014

Mid-infrared (mid-IR) laser light is accomplishing some remarkable things at JILA. This relatively long-wavelength light (2–4 µm), when used to drive a process called high-harmonic generation, can produce bright beams of soft x-rays with all their punch packed into isolated ultrashort bursts. And, all this takes place in a tabletop-size apparatus. The soft x-rays bursts have pulse durations measured in tens to hundreds of attoseconds (10-18 s).

PI: Andreas Becker | PI: Henry Kapteyn | PI: Margaret Murnane
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Atomic & Molecular Physics
Life in the Fast Lane
Published: July 26, 2013

Many people are familiar with the beautiful harmonies created when two sound waves interfere with each other, producing a periodic and repeating pattern that is music to our ears. In a similar fashion, two interfering x-ray waves may soon make it possible to create the fastest possible strobe light ever made. This strobe light will blink fast enough to allow researchers to study the nuclei of atoms and other incredibly tiny structures. The new strobe light is actually very fast coherent laser-like radiation created by the interference of high-energy x-ray waves.

PI: Andreas Becker | PI: Henry Kapteyn | PI: Margaret Murnane
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Atomic & Molecular Physics
Sizzling Vibrations
Published: October 18, 2012

Former research associate Antonio Picón, research associate Agnieszka Jaron-Becker, and Fellow Andreas Becker have discovered a way to make the hydrogen molecular ion (H2+) fall apart into its constituent atoms without exciting or ionizing the electron. This startling finding was a big surprise for the researchers, who recently figured out how to do something that conventional wisdom said was difficult, if not downright impossible.

PI: Andreas Becker
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Atomic & Molecular Physics
Quantum Body Swapping
Published: October 28, 2011

Theorists Norio Takemoto (now at the Weizmann Institute of Science) and Fellow Andreas Becker figured that something was amiss when they first analyzed the details of what occurs when an ultrafast laser dislodges an electron from a “simple” molecular ion, H2+. Since H2has already lost one of its electrons, its two protons only have one electron left to play with.  How hard would it be to “see” what happened to this electron in a strong laser field? After all, a widely accepted theory said that a strong laser field would make it easier for the lone electron to escape when the ion was stretched apart (as opposed to contracted). 

PI: Andreas Becker
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Chemical Physics
The Long Goodbye
Published: April 02, 2011

The dance of electrons as a bromine molecule (Br2) separates into two atoms is intricate and complex. The process of breaking up takes far longer than expected (~150 vs 85 fs) because the cloud of electrons that bind atoms together in a molecule behaves as if it were still surrounding a molecule until the last possible moment — when the atomic fragments are about twice the normal distance apart (~.55 nm). At this point, there’s simply not enough energy left in the system to hold the molecule together. When the two atoms finally appear as separate entities, it was if someone had snapped a rubber band.

PI: Andreas Becker
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Atomic & Molecular Physics
Ionize Me!
Published: December 20, 2010

Plucking the two electrons out of helium atoms should allow researchers to study how they interact during a double ionization process — at least in theory. Recently, Fellow Andreas Becker explored whether an ultrashort vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) laser pulse could be used to probe the interactions of helium’s electrons during a double ionization in the presence of an intense infrared (IR) laser field.

PI: Andreas Becker
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