Van Gogh's Starry Night Fall 2005 ASTR 1120-001 Homepage

syllabus | timetable | projects | homework | clicker questions | weekly summaries | review | images | text

 schedule Fall 2005 ASTR 1120-001 General Astronomy: Stars & Galaxies Timetable

Week Topic Tue Th
1 Ch. 1 Our Place in the Universe Aug 23 Aug 25
2 Chs. 4 & 6 Energy & Light Aug 30 Wed Aug 31
Homework 1 Help Session
6-7pm Muenziger E0046
8:30pm SBO
Sep 1
Homework 1 due
3 Ch. 15 Our Star Sep 6 Wed Sep 7
5pm: Last moment to drop for free
Sep 8
In class Project 1
4 Ch. 16 Stars Sep 13 Wed Sep 14
Homework 2 Help Session
5-6pm RAMY N1B23
Sep 15
Homework 2 due
5 Ch. 17 Stellar Evolution Sep 20
Fiske: "Stars"
8:00pm SBO
Sep 22 Guest lecturer: Prof. Phil Armitage
6 Ch. 18 Stellar Death Sep 27
In class Project 2
Wed Sep 28
Homework 3 Help Session
6-7pm Muenziger E0046
Sep 29
Homework 3 due
7 Oct 4
Review for midterm
Oct 6
7:30pm SBO
8   Oct 11
Fiske: "Relativity & Black Holes"
Oct 13
Fall Break
9 Ch. S2 Special Relativity
Special Relativity
Oct 18 Oct 20
10 Ch. S3 General Relativity
Falling into a Black Hole
Oct 25 Oct 27
In class Project 3: "Andromeda: Under the Night"
11 Ch. 19 Our Galaxy Mon Oct 31
Homework 4 Help Session
6-6:50pm Muenziger E0046
7:00pm SBO
Nov 1
Fiske: "The Milky Way"
Homework 4 due
Nov 3
12 Ch. 20, 21 Galaxies Nov 8 Nov 10
Fiske: "Galaxies"
13 Ch. 22 Dark Matter Nov 15 Wed Nov 16
Homework 5 Help Session
6-7pm MCDB A2B70
7:00pm SBO
Nov 17
Homework 5 due
In class Project 4
14 Ch. 23 The Beginning of Time Nov 22
Fiske: "Big Bang"
Nov 24
15 Nov 29 Dec 1
16   Mon Dec 5
Homework 6 Help Session
6-7pm Muenziger E0046
Dec 6
Special lecture:
"Inside Black Holes"
Homework 6 due
Dec 8
Last day of classes
Review for final
17 Everything Mon Dec 12
Final 4:30-7pm 

 Van Gogh's Starry Night Fall 2005 ASTR 1120-001 Homepage

syllabus | timetable | projects | homework | clicker questions | weekly summaries | review | images | text

Updated 2005 Dec 1