JILA Science Seminar

Exploring superradiance for enhanced sensors


I’ll discuss two experimental results that utilize the collective emission of strontium atoms within a cavity, aimed at advancing atomic clock technology. In our first investigation, we employ superradiant pulses from the cavity mode as a fast and directed atomic population readout, mapping out a unique Ramsey spectroscopic lineshape and demonstrating the potential for multiple readouts within a single experimental cycle. In our second investigation, we extend these pulses using an incoherent repumping scheme, achieving steady-state lasing for over a millisecond on the kHz transition.

Uncertainty Relations for Metrology and Computation

Abstract: Uncertainty relations are a familiar part of any introductory quantum mechanics course. In this talk, I will summarize how uncertainty relations have been re-interpreted and re-expressed in the language of information theory, leading to connections with the geometry of quantum state space and the limits of computational and information processing efficiency.

Heralded Spectroscopy - a new probe for nanocrystal multiexciton photophysics



Emitters of quantum light are at the core of quantum optic science and a key resource for emerging classical and quantum technologies. Yet, to date, the tools available to study multiple-photon quantum light sources, specifically temporally and spectrally in parallel, have been limited. A prominent example is multiply-excited semiconductor quantum dots - an intriguing system that features rich physics and technological potential but lacks direct observation techniques. 

Emergence of fluctuating hydrodynamics in chaotic quantum systems


Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of isolated quantum many-body systems is generally intractable. In chaotic quantum systems, however, local observables rapidly relax to their equilibrium values. Hence, simple translationally-invariant initial states are expected to quickly reach thermal equilibrium for local expectation values. The equilibration of fluctuations on the other hand goes beyond standard thermalization and is expected to happen on much longer timescales, since their approach to equilibrium is limited by the hydrodynamic build-up of large-scale fluctuations.

Distributed entanglement and quantum networking with color centers in nanophotonic cavities


Abstract: Silicon Vacancy (SiV) centers in diamond coupled to nanophotonic cavities offer a promising platform for quantum communication. Our system utilizes long coherence times, high optical cooperativities, and on-chip scalability, providing a unique path to the practical implementation of long-distance quantum networking.

Ingredients for scaling-up two different quantum systems: neutral atoms in tweezer arrays and quantum networks with spins in diamond


Abtract: A key question for platforms realizing quantum computation, simulation and communication is: How can we grow the size of a quantum system, while keeping high fidelities of single operations?