JILA Science Seminar

Fault-tolerant fermionic quantum simulation with fermionic atoms


Experiments with fermionic atoms in optical lattices have led to breakthroughs in understanding fundamental condensed-matter phenomena. However, elevating such experiments from a tool of scientific exploration to a computational tool capable of quantitatively predicting molecule and material properties requires overcoming decoherence with fault-tolerance techniques. Existing approaches encode qubits into atoms, losing one of the fundamental advantages of cold-atoms: their fermionic nature.

Time dependent quantum metrology with control


Abstract:  I will review advances to beat standard metrological limits when the quantum system is explicitly time-dependent.  In general both coherent control and adaptive strategies are required to unlock these advantages. Examples will be given in qubit systems and experiments discussed.  Recent advanced using variational methods and applications to many-body systems will also be discussed.

Quantum Computing for the Prediction of Molecular Electronic Structure - insights into using quantum computers for electronic structure problems


The scale of electronic structure calculations feasible on current or near-term quantum hardware is constrained by several inherent limitations, including coherence time, qubit count and connectivity, and device noise. All these limitations taken together severely impact the number of qubits that may be put to work constructively for chemical applications. While we have routine access to quantum computing devices exceeding 100 qubits, only a handful of these can be utilized effectively.

Probing quantum phenomena with neutral species atom arrays


Abstract: Optical tweezer arrays of neutral atoms have emerged as a
promising platform for quantum science. Their geometries are highly
configurable, and excitation to Rydberg states allows the atoms to
interact. When driven by a laser, the system supports a rich phase
diagram containing both a paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic phase.
The critical point between these phases belongs to the Ising
universality class, allowing our simulator to provide direct
measurements of the universal scaling dimensions of the Ising

Core-level Stimulated X-ray Raman Spectroscopy


The advent of X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) has enabled the generation of intense, ultrafast x-ray pulses, unlocking new possibilities for studying nonlinear light-matter interactions in the x-ray regime. The sub-femtosecond duration of XFEL pulses allows tracking ultrafast molecular dynamics with atomic resolution via pump-probe techniques, capturing events on their natural timescales.

Reconfigurable Optical Tweezer Arrays of CaF Molecules for Quantum Simulation


Reconfigurable molecular tweezer arrays are a new emerging platform for quantum science. In recent years, significant progress has been made in controlling molecules and developing essential building blocks for quantum simulation and quantum information processing. In this talk, I will present our work on CaF molecular tweezer arrays. Specifically, I will first discuss the observation of coherent spin exchange oscillations between pairs of molecules and creation of Bell states.