Phys Chem/Chem Phys Seminar

In Search of Hidden Conformational States of RNA


Abstract: RNAs are notoriously flexible biomolecules, requiring an ensemble-representation of their structure. Constructing such dynamical ensembles, which comprise the set of conformations an RNA can adopt, along with their associated populations, is challenging because biophysical measurements only indirectly report on the properties of the underlying conformational (Boltzmann) distribution.

Exploring the Extremes of Excitonic Photophysics


Abstract:My group studies the extremes of excitonic absorption and emission in condensed phase chemical/semiconductor systems. We have two primary themes: 1) The use of self-organized nanoscale systems that have controlled light absorption and energy propagation; 2) Development of molecular/inorganic materials which absorb and emit from 1-2 microns, the Short-Wavelength Infrared (SWIR). In this talk, I will discuss some of our recent research projects in the group.