Phys Chem/Chem Phys Seminar

Investigating quantum speed limits with superconducting qubits


Abstract - The speed at which quantum entanglement between qubits with short range interactions can be generated is limited by the Lieb-Robinson bound. Introducing longer range interactions relaxes this bound and entanglement can be generated at a faster rate. The speed limit for this has been explicitly found theoretically only for a two-qubit system and under the assumption of negligible single qubit gate time. We seek to demonstrate such a speed limit for entanglement experimentally using two superconducting transmon qubits.

Visualizing Cryoprotectant Permeation and Location Confined in Plant Cells and Tissues


Abstract:  Look out your window and you might see a conifer tree covered with snow. Ever wonder how the needles stay alive all winter long as the temperature dips below freezing? Like pine trees, some organisms possess molecules that naturally enable them to withstand cold. Scientists have copied nature to develop methodology to cryopreserve biological materials, storing them at low temperatures for future use. The first step in any cryopreservation protocol involves dosing the sample with a cocktail of cryopreservation agents, molecules that help them stay viable.