Investigating quantum speed limits with superconducting qubits

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Meenakshi Singh / Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines
Location (Room)
JILA Auditorium
Event Details & Abstracts

Abstract - The speed at which quantum entanglement between qubits with short range interactions can be generated is limited by the Lieb-Robinson bound. Introducing longer range interactions relaxes this bound and entanglement can be generated at a faster rate. The speed limit for this has been explicitly found theoretically only for a two-qubit system and under the assumption of negligible single qubit gate time. We seek to demonstrate such a speed limit for entanglement experimentally using two superconducting transmon qubits. Additionally, we aim to measure how much entangling gates can be sped up by introducing additional qubits coupled to the first two. Since the speed up depends on additional entangled qubits, it is expected to increase as the system size grows. This has important implications for large-scale quantum computing.

Bio - Dr. Singh is a Condensed Matter experimentalist with research focused on macroscopic quantum phenomena, quantum coherence, and quantum entanglement. She graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology with an M. S. in Physics in 2006 and received a Ph. D. in Physics from the Pennsylvania State University in 2012. Her Ph. D. thesis was focused on quantum transport in nanowires. She went on to work at Sandia National Laboratories on Quantum Computing as a post-doctoral scholar. Since 2017, she is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at the Colorado School of Mines. At Mines, her research projects include measurements of entanglement propagation, phonon Physics in silicon quantum dots, and thermal effects in superconducting hybrids. She recently received the CAREER award from the National Science Foundation.