Heather Lewandowski

"Humans of JILA" Podcast Episode 12-The Cubit Quantum Initiative

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In the latest episode of the "Humans of JILA" podcast, we take an in-depth look at the CUbit Quantum Initiative, an organization at the University of Colorado Boulder. CUbit is at the forefront of quantum research, education, and workforce development, serving as a vital bridge between academia, industry, and government. 

Press Clipping: JILA Fellow Heather Lewandowski's research highlighted in "Space Daily"

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JILA Fellow and University of Colorado Physics Professor Heather Lewandowski's novel research has recently been showcased in Space Daily. The article, penned by Clarence Oxford, delves into Lewandowski's innovative experiments with cold Coulomb crystals to explore the chemical dynamics of the Interstellar Medium (ISM)—a complex blend of atoms, ions, and molecules that fill the space between stars.