
Search for New Physics with Electron Dipole Moments


A major goal of modern particle physics is to search for phenomena that are in conflict with our best theoretical understanding of nature, the Standard Model (SM). One approach in the search occurs at the laboratory scale where the SM’s most precise predictions are tested by the most precise measurements of fundamental particles. Deviations at this high-precision frontier would inform the search for Beyond the SM (BSM) physics.

New opportunities in metrology and quantum science with multi-electron atoms: superradiant lasers, 2D dipolar supersolids, and optical tweezer arrays.


Abstract: Cold atoms provide an ideal platform for many aspects of quantum science, from metrology to simulation to quantum computing and networking.  These applications stem from their status as simple quantum objects, whose degrees of freedom can be controlled and entangled, and whose properties are identical and constant.

Entanglement optimization in quantum trajectories


Abstract: In this talk I present a method to solve the equations of motion of open quantum many-body systems. It is based on a combination of generalized wave function trajectories and matrix product states. More specifically, we developed an adaptive quantum stochastic propagator, which minimizes the expected entanglement in the many-body quantum state, thus minimizing the computational cost of the matrix product state representation of quantum trajectories.