Exact insights into driven-dissipative quantum systems using hidden time-reversal symmetries

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Aashish Clerk / University of Chicago
Seminar Type
Location (Room)
Duane Physics Room G126
Event Details & Abstracts

Abstract: Quantum systems subject to both driving and dissipation are ubiquitous in many fields, and often have complex, non-thermal steady states.  I’ll discuss how a subtle kind of quantum detailed balance (hidden time-reversal symmetry) can enable exact solutions of a number of non-trivial models, including many-body systems relevant to a variety of experimental platforms.  These solutions directly enable understanding of a variety of interesting phenomena, ranging from the practical (new kinds of photon blockade effects in weakly nonlinear photonic systems, new ways to stabilize remote many-body entanglement), to the more fundamental (e.g. exact descriptions of driven-dissipative phase transitions and non-equilibrium transport phenomena).