Novel quantum dynamics with superconducting qubits
Abstract: In recent years, superconducting qubits have emerged as a leading platform for quantum simulation, particul
Abstract: In recent years, superconducting qubits have emerged as a leading platform for quantum simulation, particul
Abstract: Over forty years ago, Nielsen and Ninomiya proved that chiral modes cannot exist in discrete systems without a m
Abstract: The modern understanding of quantum materials traces back to Felix Bloch, who first applied quantum mechanics to crystalline lat
Abstract: Can a classical system of interacting particles evolving under local rules have multiple steady states that are stable to
Abstract: Critical phenomena in the presence of interfaces provide a
much richer arena than their more studied cousin of boundary critical
phenomena. In this talk, I'll review certain observables that are new
and unique in interface conformal field theory and then demonstrate some
novel bounds we can derive on these quantities using techniques from
holography and quantum information.
Abstract: Exotic states of matter are among many physical systems that are candidates for realizing quantum computing.
Abstract: In the study of quantum matter, measurements have traditionally been viewed as a means of learning about a system. Measure
Abstract: Coupled angular-momentum eigenstates are widely used in atomic and
Abstract: In this talk, we will describe a theoretical framework for understanding how the energy levels of a quantum system drive the flow of q