Out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics in the age of quantum simulators

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Rhine Samajdar / Princeton University
Seminar Type
Location (Room)
Duane Physics Room G126
Event Details & Abstracts


Today's programmable quantum simulators offer versatile platforms for exploring the rich landscape of many-body phases and dynamics in correlated quantum systems. In this talk, inspired by recent experimental advances, we delve into the new insights on nonequilibrium quantum dynamics obtained from studies on two such leading platforms.

First, focusing on neutral atom arrays, in both one and two dimensions, we investigate the efficient preparation of quantum states in these systems using either adiabatic protocols or shortcuts thereto. In particular, we develop a universal description of the system’s quantum coarsening dynamics to address the central question of how long-range order develops as a function of time, if it does at all, in a fundamentally out-of-equilibrium setting. 

In the second part of the presentation, we turn our attention to the spin dynamics of a 1D Heisenberg model implemented in a chain of 46 superconducting qubits. To investigate the dynamics, which were conjectured to belong to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class, we analyze the probability distribution of magnetization transfer across the chain's center. While the first two moments demonstrate superdiffusive behavior, a detailed exploration of the full counting statistics (FCS) challenges the KPZ conjecture, allowing for the identification of alternative dynamic universality classes. Additionally, we introduce a scalable protocol for measuring FCS, applicable to experiments or tensor-network simulations.