Interplay of spin and motional dynamics of polar molecules in optical lattices

Speaker Name/Affiliation
David Wellnitz / JILA, U. of Colorado Boulder
Seminar Type
Location (Room)
Duane Physics Room G126
Event Details & Abstracts


Polar molecules provide a novel platform to study the interplay of coupled pseudo-spin and motional degrees of freedom. We study the many-body quantum dynamics of fermionic polar molecules in optical lattices described by a dipolar Hubbard model. After preparing a superposition of two rotational states in each molecule, local dipolar interactions lead to many-body entanglement in the form of spin-squeezing but also reduce the many-body coherence. Motionally induced SU(2)-symmetric super-exchange interactions keep spins aligned, thus protecting collective correlations. We show that this enhances the many-body coherence and spin squeezing at intermediate times. 


As usual the talk will start at 12:30 pm but lunch will be provided at 12:00 pm.