Ingredients for scaling-up two different quantum systems: neutral atoms in tweezer arrays and quantum networks with spins in diamond

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Kai-Niklas Schymik / QuTech, Delft
Seminar Type
Location (Room)
JILA 10th Floor - Foothills Room
Event Details & Abstracts

Abtract: A key question for platforms realizing quantum computation, simulation and communication is: How can we grow the size of a quantum system, while keeping high fidelities of single operations?

In this talk, I report on work towards this goal on two different platforms: (1) atoms in tweezer arrays and (2) quantum networks with spin qubits in diamond.  

On (1), this includes building a cryogenic tweezer platform with a single-atom trap lifetime of over 6000 seconds. 

On (2), I discuss how isotopically engineered diamond can offer long-lived nuclear qubits important for larger quantum networks. Furthermore, we use Gate Set Tomography to report one and two-qubit gate fidelities exceeding 99.9% for the electron and nitrogen-nuclear spin of an NV center in diamond.