Programmable control of indistinguishable particles: from sampling to clocks to qubits

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Adam Kaufman / JILA and NIST
Location (Room)
JILA Auditorium
Event Details & Abstracts

Quantum information science seeks to exploit the collective behavior of a large quantum system to enable tasks that are impossible (or less possible!) with classical resources alone. While this burgeoning field encompasses a variety of goals, ranging from metrology to computing, most of them rely on the preparation and control of many identical particles or qubits. Meeting this need is a defining challenge of the field. There are several promising platforms that are targeting these capabilities, and I will focus on one such platform — optically-trapped neutral atoms. We have been developing a new suite of tools, based on the use of more exotic atomic species, new trapping architectures, and new control methods. I will provide an overview of these developments and a few specific examples of our recent results, including the use of atoms as indistinguishable bosons for sampling problems, a new kind of atomic clock, and a different kind of qubit.


Coffee, tea and cookies will be available in G1B31 (across from G1B20) from 3:30 - 3:50 p.m.

Physics Colloquia are held Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. in the JILA Auditorium.