First Results from the Emirates Mars Mission: A Global Perspective on the Martian Atmosphere

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Justin Deighan / (LASP) and the Emirate sMars Mission Science Team
Location Other (Room)
SPSC W-120
Event Details & Abstracts

Abstract: The Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) began its science phase on May 23, 2021 and is actively succeeding in its objective of exploring the global scale dynamics of the Martian atmosphere, measuring most latitudes and all longitudes and local times across a full Mars year. From its weather-satellite-like orbit with a period of 55 hours, the Hope Probe is using its infrared, visible, and ultraviolet remote sensing instruments to provide a unique set of measurements that are improving our understanding of circulation and weather in the Martian lower and upper atmosphere, as well as their vertical coupling and the impact of lower atmospheric dynamics on the escape of light species to space. In this seminar I will review the first round of scientific results from the mission, with emphasis on over a dozen papers that are now published in a Geophysical Research Letters special collection.

Zoom Info: If you’re interested in attending virtually, please contact Heather Mallander ( to be added to the mailing list. For more info:

Address Info: Please note that the doors to SPSC remain locked during business hours. If you are external to LASP, it would be helpful to alert us in advance by contacting Heather Mallander that you plan to attend so that we can let you in.

Address Info:

LASP – Space Science Building


3665 Discovery Drive, Boulder, CO 80303
