Investigating the thermosphere-ionosphere system through Earth’s FUV emissions

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Katelynn Greer / CU Boulder and LASP
Location Other (Room)
LASP – Space Science Building, SPSC-W120
Event Details & Abstracts

Abstract: The Earth’s upper atmosphere emits in the Far-UV (120 to 200nm); images at these wavelengths are indicative of the changes in, and evolution of, the lower thermosphere and ionosphere — a region critical for communication and navigation signals.  Several missions are currently available (including GOLD and TIMED/GUVI) and are planned (InspireSat/OWLS) that take advantage of the characteristics of FUV emissions to examine the neutral composition, momentum transport of gravity waves, and connection to the ionosphere. Here we will discuss the unique capabilities of utilizing FUV (a LASP specialty) and cutting-edge science that is being done with FUV emissions. Gravity waves are critical mechanisms for transporting energy and momentum in the lower thermosphere, but the community lacks comprehensive measurements of these waves. Neutral atmospheric gravity wave observations obtained by GOLD and planned by OWLS will be shown. FUV is also a window into the molecular oxygen density, observations which have been discovered to be in disagreement with current models. Lastly, FUV provides significant insight to the connection between the neutral composition and plasma in the ionosphere. Open questions and opportunities in the field will also be discussed.




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Address Info:

LASP – Space Science Building


3665 Discovery Drive, Boulder, CO 80303
