First Laboratory Bounds on Ultralight Dark Photon Dark Matter from Precision Atomic Spectroscopy

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Joshua Berger / Colorado State University
Seminar Type
Seminar Type Other
Theory Colloquia (formerly CTQM Seminars)
Location (Room)
Duane Physics Room G126
Event Details & Abstracts

Abstract: Ultralight bosonic dark matter has come under increasing scrutiny as a dark matter candidate that has the potential to resolve puzzles in astronomical observation. I demonstrate that high-precision measurements of time variation in the frequency ratios of atomic transitions achieve leading sensitivity to ultralight vector portal dark matter at low masses. These bounds are the first laboratory-based bounds on this class of dark matter models. I discuss further measurements that could enhance sensitivity to ultralight dark photons.


Theory Colloquia (formerly CTQM Seminars) will be held in-person on Fridays at 11 am in Duane G126. 

Please contact Andrew.J.Lucas@Colorado.EDU for more information.