From BEC to CEO

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Chris Myatt / LightDeck Diagnostics
Location (Room)
JILA Auditorium
Event Details & Abstracts

Abstract: Can a PhD at CU Physics prepare you to start a company? Can a Post-Doc at NIST be the ticket to entrepreneurship? While the subject of research at these institutions may not be directly applicable to industrial problems—in my case, Bose-Einstein Condensation and quantum computing— the skill sets and tools you develop are on the critical path in preparing you to succeed in high-tech industry and even in starting a company. In this personal story presentation, I will take the audience on my personal journey from a JILA lab to my current position as founder of a diagnostics and testing company, making testing equipment for water, veterinary, and diagnostics applications. My first company manufactured high precision optical devices and systems. I will share the lessons learned, the depth of entrepreneurial activity coming out of the CU Physics department, and thoughts on how to encourage more.

Dr. Myatt is a Founder of LightDeck Diagnostics.  He is an entrepreneur with a proven track record for building technology companies. Prior to LightDeck, Chris successfully founded and led Precision Photonics Corporation, a successful laser and optical technology supplier that is now a division of IDEX. Chris earned bachelors degrees at Southern Methodist University, and a PhD in Atomic Physics at the University of Colorado. Chris studied Bose-Einstein Condensation under Carl Wieman, and quantum information under David Wineland as a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at NIST Boulder. He is now successfully applying many of the tools developed during his academic years to real-world problems in high tech industry.


Coffee, tea and cookies will be available in G1B31 (across from G1B20) from 3:30 - 3:50 p.m.

Physics Colloquia are held Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. in the JILA Auditorium.