Some gauge theory amplitudes from chiral correlators

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Natalie Paquette / University of Washington
Seminar Type
Event Details & Abstracts

This seminar is ONLINE only.

Abstract: "I will discuss recent work in collaboration with Kevin Costello (arXiv:2201.02595). We propose a new formula for computing certain form factors and scattering amplitudes in gauge theory in terms of correlation functions of a 2d chiral algebra. The chiral algebra that appears is closely related to one appearing in the celestial holography program. We explain the connection between the 4d amplitudes and 2d correlation functions via a 6d holomorphic theory on twistor space.

Please note the start time has to be delayed by 30 minutes relative to the usual time.  The Zoom info is below.
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Please contact Andrew.J.Lucas@Colorado.EDU for more information.