Lab Members

Principal Investigator

Ann-Marie Madigan photo.

Ann-Marie Madigan | (303) 492 0389 | Website | Madigan CV

In 2016, I joined the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences (APS) at CU Boulder as an Assistant Professor of Astrophysics and a JILA Fellow. Before this, I was a NASA Einstein & Theoretical Astrophysics Center Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Berkeley. I received my Masters and PhD (2012) in Astronomy at Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands, and my undergraduate degree in Physics & Astronomy at the National University of Ireland, Galway.


Assistant Professor of Astrophysics, University of Colorado Boulder

Research Associate

Angela Collier photo.

Angela Collier | Website | Collier CV

Research Interests

  • Multi-scale secular dynamics
  • Stellar bar formation, buckling instabilities, galactic evolution
  • Dark matter dynamical evolution and its observables

Aleksey Generozov photo.

Aleksey Generozov

I am currently a Postodoctoral Research Associate at JILA working with Ann-Marie Madigan. I received my PhD from Columbia, where I worked with Brian Metzger and Nicholas Stone. I am interested in all things related to galactic nuclei, including tidal disruption events, collisional stellar dynamics, and supermassive black hole binaries.

Mike McCourt photo.

Mike McCourt

I’m a Hubble and KITP fellow at UC Santa Barbara. Before that, I was an ITC Fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and a grad student in the astronomy department at UC Berkeley. For my thesis, I worked with Professor Eliot Quataert, studying the intracluster medium of galaxy clusters. I did my undergraduate studies at Stanford University, where I majored in physics with a concentration in theoretical physics. My research there focused on modeling gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters.

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Ryan O'Leary


Maria Tiongco photo.

Maria Tiongco | Website

Research Interests

  • Gravitational Dynamics
  • N-body simulations
  • Globular clusters, particularly their internal kinematics
  • Small bodies in the outer Solar System

Graduate Student

Tatsuya Akiba photo.

Tatsuya Akiba | Website

I am currently a graduate student in the Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences department at the University of Colorado Boulder and a graduate research assistant at JILA researching the dynamics of eccentric nuclear disks (ENDs) with Dr. Ann-Marie Madigan. I am also wrapping up my project from this summer on modeling changing-look quasars with Dr. Jason Dexter. I graduated from Truman State University in August 2019 with Bachelor’s degrees in physics and mathematics. During my undergraduate years, I conducted observational astronomy research with Dr. Vayujeet Gokhale and theoretical quantum mechanics research with Dr. Taner Edis. Please explore my work, and feel free to contact me to learn more about it!

Mackenzie Moody photo.

Mackenzie Moody | Website

Heather Wernke photo.

Heather Wernke

Alexander Zderic photo.

Alexander Zderic | Website

I am interested in orbital dynamics in the outer solar system.

Undergraduate Student

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Allie Christensen | 303-492-5892

(CU Boulder)

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Jacob Fleisig

(CU Boulder)

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Hayden Foote

(CU Boulder)

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Andrew Halle

(UC Berkeley)

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Emma Lieb

(CU Boulder)

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Alexander Rodriguez

(CU Boulder)

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Gwendalynn Roebke

(CU Boulder)

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Karin Roley | 303-492-5892

(CU Boulder)