JILA Science Publications

Displaying 601 - 700 of 10608


A generalized phase space approach for solving quantum spin dynamics
Bihui Zhu, Ana Maria Rey, Johannas Schachenmayer, New Journal of Physics 21, 082001 (2019).
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Dynamical Phase Transitions to Optomechanical Superradiance
Simon Jäger, John Cooper, Murray Holland, Giovanna Morigi, Physical Review Letters 123, 053601 (2019).
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Dynamics of quantum information
Robert Lewis-Swan, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Adam Kaufman, Ana Maria Rey, Nature Reviews Physics 1, 627–634 (2019).
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Gas-Phase Reactions of Deprotonated Nucleobases with H, N, and O Atoms
Charles Nichols, Zhe-Chen Wang, Carl Lineberger, Veronica Bierbaum, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , 4863-4867 (2019).
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Light-Assisted Diazonium Functionalization of Graphene and Spatial Heterogeneities in Reactivity
Yunqi Li, Wan Li, Michal Wojcik, Bowen Wang, Liang-Chun Lin, Markus Raschke, Ke Xu, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , 4788-4793 (2019).
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Observation of a transition between dynamical phases in a quantum degenerate Fermi gas
Scott Smale, Peiru He, Ben Olsen, Kenneth Jackson, Haille Sharum, Stefan Trotzky, Jamir Marino, Ana Maria Rey, Joseph Thywissen, Science Advances 5, eaax1568 (2019).
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Scalar field effects on the orbit of S2 star
GRAVITY Collaboration, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 489, 4606-4621 (2019).
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Spectroscopic evidence of low-energy gaps persisting up to 120 K in surface-doped p-terphenyl crystals
Haoxiang Li, Xiaoqing Zhou, Stephen Parham, Thomas Nummy, Justin Griffith, Kyle Gordon, Eric Chronister, Daniel Dessau, Physical Review B 100, 064511 (2019).
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Suppressed-Doppler slit jet infrared spectroscopy of astrochemically relevant cations: ν1 and ν4 NH stretching modes in NH3D+
Preston Scrape, Chih-Hsuan Chang, David Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 151, 084302 (2019).
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Ultrafast coherent nonlinear nanooptics and nanoimaging of graphene
Tao Jiang, Vasily Kravtsov, Mikhail Tokman, Alexey Belyanin, Markus Raschke, Nature Nanotechnology 14, 838–843 (2019).
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Atoms and molecules in the search for time-reversal symmetry violation
William Cairncross, Jun Ye, Nature Reviews Physics 1, 510-521 (2019).
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Can Three-Body Recombination Purify a Quantum Gas?
Lena Dogra, Jake Glidden, Timon Hilker, Christoph Eigen, Eric Cornell, Robert Smith, Zoran Hadzibabic, Physical Review Letters 123, 020405 (2019).
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Demonstration of 4.8 x 10^(-17) stability at 1s for two independent optical clocks
Eric Oelker, Ross Hutson, C. Kennedy, Lindsay Sonderhouse, Tobias Bothwell, Akihisa Goban, Dhruv Kedar, Christian Sanner, J. Robinson, Edward Marti, Dan-Gheorghita Matei, Thomas Legero, M. Giunta, Ronald Holzwarth, Fritz Riehle, Uwe Sterr, Jun Ye, Nature Photonics 13, 714–719 (2019).
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Laser cooling with adiabatic transfer on a Raman transition
G. Greve, B. Wu, James Thompson, New Journal of Physics 21, 073045 (2019).
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Nanodiamond Integration with Photonic Devices
Marina Radulaski, Jingyuan Zhang, Yan-Kai Tzeng, Konstantinos Lagoudakis, Hitoshi Ishiwata, Constantin Dory, Kevin Fischer, Yousif Kelaita, Shuo Sun, Peter Maurer, Kassem Alassaad, Gabriel Ferro, Zhi-Xun Shen, Nicholas Melosh, Steven Chu, Jelena Vučković, Laser & Photonics Reviews 13, 1800316 (2019).
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Nanoscale transient gratings excited and probed by extreme ultraviolet femtosecond pulses
F. Bencivenga, R. Mincigrucci, F. Capotondi, L. Foglia, D. Naumenko, A. Maznev, E. Pedersoli, A. Simoncig, F. Caporaletti, V. Chiloyan, R. Cucini, F. Dallari, R. Duncan, Travis Frazer, G. Gaio, A. Gessini, L. Giannessi, S. Huberman, Henry Kapteyn, Joshua Knobloch, G. Kurdi, N. Mahne, M. Manfredda, A. Martinelli, Margaret Murnane, E. Principi, L. Raimondi, S. Spampinati, C. Spezzani, M. Trovò, M. Zangrando, G. Chen, G. Monaco, K. Nelson, Claudio Masciovecchio, Science Advances 5, eaaw5805 (2019).
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Quantum Virtual Cooling
Jordan Cotler, Soonwon Choi, Alexander Lukin, Hrant Gharibyan, Tarun Grover, Eric Tai, Matthew Rispoli, Robert Schittko, Philipp Preiss, Adam Kaufman, Markus Greiner, Hannes Pichler, Patrick Hayden, Physical Review X 9, 031013 (2019).
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Stable production of a strongly interacting Bose-Einstein condensate via mode matching
E. Halperin, M. Sze, John Corson, John Bohn, Phys. Rev. A 100, 013608 (2019).
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The Effect of General Relativistic Precession on Tidal Disruption Events from Eccentric Nuclear Disks
Heather Wernke, Ann-Marie Madigan, The Astrophysical Journal 880, 42 (2019).
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Tip-enhanced strong coupling spectroscopy, imaging, and control of a single quantum emitter
Kyoung-Duck Park, Molly May, Haixu Leng, Jiarong Wang, Jaron Kropp, Theodosia Gougousi, Matthew Pelton, Markus Raschke, Science Advances 5, eaav5931 (2019).
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Topological superfluidity with repulsive alkaline-earth atoms in optical lattices
L. Isaev, Adam Kaufman, G Ortiz, Ana Maria Rey, New Journal of Physics 21, 073049 (2019).
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Continuous Real-Time Tracking of a Quantum Phase Below the Standard Quantum Limit
Athreya Shankar, Graham Greve, Baochen Wu, James Thompson, Murray Holland, Physical Review Letters 122, 233602 (2019).
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Generation of extreme-ultraviolet beams with time-varying orbital angular momentum
Laura Rego, Kevin Dorney, Nathan Brooks, Quynh Nguyen, Chen-Ting Liao, Julio San Román, David Couch, Allison Liu, Emilio Pisanty, Maciej Lewenstein, Luis Plaja, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Carlos Hernández-García, Science 364, eaaw9486 (2019).
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Novel Heat-Promoted Folding Dynamics of the yybP-ykoY Manganese Riboswitch: Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies at the Single-Molecule Level
Hsuan-Lei Sung, David Nesbitt, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123, 5412-5422 (2019).
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Putting the squeeze on axions
Karl van Bibber, Konrad Lehnert, Aaron Chou, Physics Today 72, 48-55 (2019).
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Resolving Phonon Fock States in a Multimode Cavity with a Double-Slit Qubit
Lucas Sletten, B. Moores, Jeremie Viennot, Konrad Lehnert, Physical Review X 9, 021056 (2019).
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Some travels in the land of nonlinear convection and magnetism
Juri Toomre, EAS Publications Series 82, 273-294 (2019).
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Ultrasensitive Tip- and Antenna-Enhanced Infrared Nanoscopy of Protein Complexes
Brian O'Callahan, Mario Hentschel, Markus Raschke, Patrick El-Khoury, Scott Lea, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 17505-17509 (2019).
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Unitary-projective entanglement dynamics
Amos Chan, Rahul Nandkishore, Michael Pretko, Graeme Smith, Physical Review B 99, 224307 (2019).
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Using think-aloud interviews to characterize model-based reasoning in electronics for a laboratory course assessment
Laura Ríos, Benjamin Pollard, Dimitri Dounas-Frazer, Heather Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 15, 010140 (2019).
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Zircon Alteration as a Proxy for Rare Earth Element Mineralization Processes in Carbonatite-Nordmarkite Complexes of the Mianning-Dechang Rare Earth Element Belt, China
Yan Liu, Zengqian Hou, Rongqing Zhang, Ping Wang, Jianfeng Gao, Markus Raschke, Economic Geology 114, 719-744 (2019).
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Cavity-QED simulator of slow and fast scrambling
Jamir Marino, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review A 99, 051803(R) (2019).
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Characterization of optical and spin properties of single tin-vacancy centers in diamond nanopillars
Alison Rugar, Constantin Dory, Shuo Sun, Jelena Vučković, Physical Review B 99, 205417 (2019).
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Conservation of Torus-knot Angular Momentum in High-order Harmonic Generation
Emilio Pisanty, Laura Rego, Julio San Román, Antonio Picón, Kevin Dorney, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Luis Plaja, Maciej Lewenstein, Carlos Hernández-García, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 203201 (2019).
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Driven-dissipative quantum dynamics in ultra-long-lived dipoles in an optical cavity
Diego Barberena, Robert Lewis-Swan, James Thompson, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review A 99, 053411 (2019).
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High-resolution infrared spectroscopy of jet cooled trans-deuteroxycarbonyl (trans-DOCO) radical
A. Kortyna, David Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 150, 194304 (2019).
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Quantum-state-specific reaction rate measurements for the photo-induced reaction Ca^+ + O2 -> CaO^+ + O
Philipp Schmid, Mikhail Miller, James Greenberg, Thanh Nguyen, John Stanton, Heather Lewandowski, Molecular Physics , 1-7 (2019).
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Rossby and Magnetic Prandtl Number Scaling of Stellar Dynamos
Kyle Augustson, Allan Brun, Juri Toomre, The Astrophysical Journal 876, 83 (2019).
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Squeezed Vacuum Used to Accelerate the Search for a Weak Classical Signal
M. Malnou, Daniel Palken, Benjamin Brubaker, Leila Vale, Gene Hilton, Konrad Lehnert, Physical Review X 9, 021023 (2019).
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Cluster State Generation with Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermionic Atoms in Optical Lattices
Mikhail Mamaev, R. Blatt, Jun Ye, Ana Maria Rey, Physical Review Letters 122, 160402 (2019).
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Design of an On-Chip Superconducting Microwave Circulator with Octave Bandwidth
Benjamin Chapman, Eric Rosenthal, Konrad Lehnert, Physical Review Applied 11, 044048 (2019).
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Exploring out-of-equilibrium quantum magnetism and thermalization in a spin-3 many-body dipolar lattice system
S. Lepoutre, Johannas Schachenmayer, Lucas Gabardos, Bihui Zhu, B. Naylor, E. Maréchal, O. Gorceix, Ana Maria Rey, Laurent Vernac, Bruno Laburthe-Tolra, Nature Communications 10, 1714 (2019).
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Imaging DNA equilibrated onto mica in liquid using biochemically relevant deposition conditions
Patrick Heenan, Thomas Perkins, ACS Nano 13, 4220-4229 (2019).
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Intramolecular Fluorescent Protein Association in a Class of Zinc FRET Sensors Leads to Increased Dynamic Range
Joshua Slocum, Amy Palmer, Ralph Jimenez, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123, 3079–3085 (2019).
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Probing entanglement in a many-body-localized System
Alexander Lukin, Matthew Rispoli, Robert Schittko, Eric Tai, Adam Kaufman, Soonwon Choi, Vedika Khemani, Julian Leonard, Markus Greiner, Science 364, 256-260 (2019).
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Recent advances in ultrafast X-ray sources
Robert Schoenlein, Thomas Elsaesser, Karsten Holldack, Zhirong Huang, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Michael Woerner, Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical And Engineering Sciences 377, 20180384 (2019).
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Spin detection with a micromechanical trampoline: towards magnetic resonance microscopy harnessing cavity optomechanics
Ran Fischer, D McNally, Chris Reetz, Gabriel Assumpção, T. Knief, Y Lin, Cindy Regal, New Journal of Physics 21, 043049 (2019).
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Unifying scrambling, thermalization and entanglement through measurement of fidelity out-of-time-order correlators in the Dicke model
Robert Lewis-Swan, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, John Bollinger, Ana Maria Rey, Nature Communications 10, 1581 (2019).
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Visible and ultraviolet laser spectroscopy of ThF
Yan Zhou, Kia Ng, Lan Cheng, Daniel Gresh, Robert Field, Jun Ye, Eric Cornell, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 358, 1-16 (2019).
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An active optical frequency reference using a pulsed superradiant laser
Juan Silva, Julia Cline, James Thompson, Matthew Norcia, Selim Shahriar, Jacob Scheuer, Optical, Opto-Atomic, and Entanglement-Enhanced Precision Metrology , (2019).
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Effective multi-body SU(N)-symmetric interactions of ultracold fermionic atoms on a 3-D lattice
Michael Perlin, Ana Maria Rey, New Journal of Physics 21, 043039 (2019).
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Gray-Molasses Optical-Tweezer Loading: Controlling Collisions for Scaling Atom-Array Assembly
M. Brown, Tobias Thiele, Chris Kiehl, Ting-Wei Hsu, Cindy Regal, Physical Review X 9, 011057 (2019).
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Quantum dynamics of disordered spin chains with power-law interactions
Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Michael Wall, O. Acevedo, Ana Maria Rey, Rahul Nandkishore, Physical Review A 99, 033610 (2019).
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Two-step production of resonant Bose-Einstein condensates
M. Sze, John Bohn, Physical Review A 99, 1-11 (2019).
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Ultrafast electron calorimetry uncovers a new long-lived metastable state in 1T-TaSe2 mediated by mode-selective electron-phonon coupling
Xun Shi, Wenjing You, Yingchao Zhang, Zhensheng Tao, Peter Oppeneer, Xianxin Wu, Ronny Thomale, Kai Rossnagel, Michael Bauer, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Science Advances 5, eaav4449 (2019).
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A degenerate Fermi gas of polar molecules
Luigi De Marco, Giacomo Valtolina, Kyle Matsuda, William Tobias, Jacob Covey, Jun Ye, Science 363, 853 (2019).
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Coherent light brightens the quantum science frontier
Margaret Murnane, Jun Ye, Physics Today 72, 48-49 (2019).
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Comb-resolved spectroscopy with immersion grating in long-wave infrared
Kana Iwakuni, Thinh Bui, J. Niedermeyer, T. Sukegawa, Jun Ye, Opt. Express 27, 1911-1921 (2019).
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Electron and Ion Energization in Relativistic Plasma Turbulence
Vladimir Zhdankin, Dmitri Uzdensky, Gregory Werner, Mitchell Begelman, Physical Review Letters 122, 055101 (2019).
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Engineering Nanoscale Thermal Transport: Size- and Spacing-Dependent Cooling of Nanostructures
Travis Frazer, Joshua Knobloch, Kathleen Hoogeboom-Pot, Damiano Nardi, Weilun Chao, Roger Falcone, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, Jorge Charpak, Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 024042 (2019).
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Modeling near ground-state cooling of two-dimensional ion crystals in a Penning trap using electromagnetically induced transparency
Athreya Shankar, Elena Jordan, Kevin Gilmore, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, John Bollinger, Murray Holland, Physical Review A 99, 023409 (2019).
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Near Ground-State Cooling of Two-Dimensional Trapped-Ion Crystals with More than 100 Ions
Elena Jordan, Kevin Gilmore, Athreya Shankar, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Justin Bohnet, Murray Holland, John Bollinger, Physical Review Letters 122, 053603 (2019).
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Quantification and coupling of the electromagnetic and chemical contributions in surface-enhanced Raman scattering
Yarong Su, Yuanzhen Shi, Ping Wang, Jinglei Du, Markus Raschke, Lin Pang, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 10, 549-556 (2019).
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Single-Molecule FRET Kinetics of the Mn2+ Riboswitch: Evidence for Allosteric Mg2+ Control of “Induced-Fit” vs “Conformational Selection” Folding Pathways
Hsuan-Lei Sung, David Nesbitt, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123, 2005-2015 (2019).
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The Role of Downflows in Establishing Solar Near-surface Shear
Loren Matilsky, Bradley Hindman, Juri Toomre, The Astrophysical Journal 871, 217 (2019).
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Ultrafast internal conversion dynamics of bilirubin bound to UnaG and its N57A mutant
Xiaodan Cao, Changcheng Zhang, Ziheng Gao, Yangyi Liu, Yuzheng Zhao, Yi Yang, Jinquan Chen, Ralph Jimenez, Jianhua Xu, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 2365-2371 (2019).
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Work smarter, not harder: scientists use machine-learning algorithms to streamline quantum chemistry calculations
John Bohn, New Journal of Physics 21, 021001 (2019).
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Anisotropic Flow Control and Gate Modulation of Hybrid Phonon-Polaritons
Francisco Maia, Brian O’Callahan, Alisson Cadore, Ingrid Barcelos, Leonardo Campos, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Christoph Deneke, Alexey Belyanin, Markus Raschke, Raul Freitas, Nano Letters 19, 708-715 (2019).
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Attosecond Streaking Time Delays: Finite-Range Interpretation and Applications
Cory Goldsmith, Agnieszka Jaron-Becker, Andreas Becker, Applied Sciences 9, 492 (2019).
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Crystalline optical cavity at 4 K with thermal-noise-limited instability and ultralow drift
John Robinson, Eric Oelker, William Milner, Wei Zhang, Thomas Legero, Dan-Gheorghita Matei, Fritz Riehle, Uwe Sterr, Jun Ye, Optica 6, 240 (2019).
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Infrared nanospectroscopic imaging in the rotating frame
Samuel Johnson, Eric Muller, Omar Khatib, Elisa Bonnin, Alexander Gagnon, Markus Raschke, Optica 6, 424 (2019).
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Inside astronomically realistic black holes
Andrew Hamilton, General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology , (2019).
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Inverse-designed diamond photonics
Constantin Dory, Dries Vercruysse, Ki Yang, Neil Sapra, Alison Rugar, Shuo Sun, Daniil Lukin, Alexander Piggott, Jingyuan Zhang, Marina Radulaski, Konstantinos Lagoudakis, Logan Su, Jelena Vučković, Nature Communications 10, 3309 (2019).
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Quantifying the initial unfolding of bacteriorhodopsin reveals retinal stabilization
Hao Yu, Patrick Heenan, Devin Edwards, Lyle Uyetake, Thomas Perkins, Angewandte Chemie 131, 1724-1727 (2019).
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Quantum State and Doppler-Resolved Scattering of Thermal/Hyperthermal DCl at the Gas–Liquid Interface: Support for a Simple “Lever Arm” Model of the Energy-Transfer Dynamics
Timothy Large, David Nesbitt, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 3449-3460 (2019).
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Quantum-state-resolved studies of aqueous evaporation dynamics: NO ejection from a liquid water microjet
Mikhail Ryazanov, David Nesbitt, The Journal of Chemical Physics 150, 044201 (2019).
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Rovibrational quantum state resolution of the C60 fullerene
Bryan Changala, Marissa Weichman, Kevin Lee, Martin Fermann, Jun Ye, Science 363, 49-54 (2019).
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Broadband molecular spectroscopy with optical frequency combs
Marissa Weichman, Bryan Changala, Jun Ye, Zaijun Chen, Ming Yan, Nathalie Picqué, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 355, 66-78 (2019).
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Correction: Sub-Doppler infrared spectroscopy of resonance-stabilized hydrocarbon intermediates: ν3/ν4 CH stretch modes and CH2 internal rotor dynamics of benzyl radical
Andrew Kortyna, A. Samin, T. Miller, David Nesbitt, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 13374-13374 (2019).
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A Spin–Photon Interface Using Charge-Tunable Quantum Dots Strongly Coupled to a Cavity
Zhouchen Luo, Shuo Sun, Aziz Karasahin, Allan Bracker, Samuel Carter, Michael Yakes, Daniel Gammon, Edo Waks, Nano Letters 19, 7072-7077 (2019).
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The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: Accretion and Broad Emission Line Physics from a Hypervariable Quasar
Jason Dexter, Shuo Xin, Yue Shen, C. Grier, Teng Liu, Suvi Gezari, Ian McGreer, W. Brandt, P. Hall, Keith Horne, Torben Simm, Andrea Merloni, Paul Green, M. Vivek, Jonathan Trump, Yasaman Homayouni, B. Peterson, Donald Schneider, K. Kinemuchi, Kaike Pan, Dmitry Bizyaev, The Astrophysical Journal 885, 44 (2019).
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Transforming a large introductory lab course: impacts on views about experimental physics
Benjamin Pollard, Heather Lewandowski, 2018 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings , (2019).
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Roadmap of ultrafast x-ray atomic and molecular physics
Linda Young, Kiyoshi Ueda, Markus Gühr, Philip Bucksbaum, Marc Simon, Shaul Mukamel, Nina Rohringer, Kevin Prince, Claudio Masciovecchio, Michael Meyer, Artem Rudenko, Daniel Rolles, Christoph Bostedt, Matthias Fuchs, David Reis, Robin Santra, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Heide Ibrahim, François Légaré, Marc Vrakking, Marcus Isinger, David Kroon, Mathieu Gisselbrecht, Anne Huillier, Hans Wörner, Stephen Leone, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 51, 032003 (2018).
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Cavity-mediated collective spin-exchange interactions in a strontium superradiant laser
Matthew Norcia, Robert Lewis-Swan, Julia Cline, Bihui Zhu, Ana Maria Rey, James Thompson, Science 361, 259-262 (2018).
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A single-photon switch and transistor enabled by a solid-state quantum memory
Shuo Sun, Hyochul Kim, Zhouchen Luo, Glenn Solomon, Edo Waks, Science 361, 57-60 (2018).
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Central frequency of few-cycle laser pulses in strong-field processes
J. Venzke, Tennesse Joyce, Z. Xue, Andreas Becker, Agnieszka Jaron-Becker, Physical Review A 98, 063409 (2018).
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Controlling the polarization and vortex charge of attosecond high-harmonic beams via simultaneous spin-orbit momentum conservation
Kevin Dorney, Laura Rego, Nathan Brooks, Julio San Román, Chen-Ting Liao, Jennifer Ellis, Dmitriy Zusin, Christian Gentry, Quynh Nguyen, Justin Shaw, Antonio Picón, Luis Plaja, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Carlos Hernández-García, Nature Photonics 13, (2018).
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Microscopic Control and Detection of Ultracold Strontium in Optical-Tweezer Arrays
Matthew Norcia, A. Young, Adam Kaufman, Physical Review X 8, (2018).
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Ptychographic amplitude and phase reconstruction of bichromatic vortex beams
Yuka Esashi, C.-T. Liao, B. Wang, Nathan Brooks, Kevin Dorney, Carlos Hernández-García, Henry Kapteyn, D. Adams, Margaret Murnane, Optics Express 26, 34007-34015 (2018).
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Quantum dot single-photon sources with ultra-low multi-photon probability
Lukas Hanschke, Kevin Fischer, Stefan Appel, Daniil Lukin, Jakob Wierzbowski, Shuo Sun, Rahul Trivedi, Jelena Vučković, Jonathan Finley, Kai Müller, npj Quantum Information 4, (2018).
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Shattered time: can a dissipative time crystal survive many-body correlations?
Kristopher Tucker, Bihui Zhu, Robert Lewis-Swan, Jamir Marino, F. Jimenez, Juan Restrepo, Ana Maria Rey, New Journal of Physics 20, 123003 (2018).
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3D Magneto-Optical Trap of Yttrium Monoxide
Alejandra Collopy, Shiqian Ding, Yewei Wu, Ian Finneran, Loïc Anderegg, Benjamin Augenbraun, John Doyle, Jun Ye, Physical Review Letters 121, 213201 (2018).
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Characterizing lab instructors' self-reported learning goals to inform development of an experimental modeling skills assessment
Dimitri Dounas-Frazer, Benjamin Pollard, Jacob Stanley, Heather Lewandowski, Physical Review Physics Education Research 14, (2018).
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Extreme AGN variability: evidence of magnetically elevated accretion?
Jason Dexter, Mitchell Begelman, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 483, L17 - L21 (2018).
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Generation of coherent phonons by coherent extreme ultraviolet radiation in a transient grating experiment
A. Maznev, F. Bencivenga, A. Cannizzo, F. Capotondi, R. Cucini, R. Duncan, Thomas Feurer, Travis Frazer, L. Foglia, H.-M. Frey, Henry Kapteyn, Joshua Knobloch, G. Knopp, Claudio Masciovecchio, R. Mincigrucci, G. Monaco, Margaret Murnane, I. Nikolov, E. Pedersoli, A. Simoncig, A. Vega-Flick, K. Nelson, Applied Physics Letters 113, 221905 (2018).
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Induced versus intrinsic magnetic moments in ultrafast magnetization dynamics
Moritz Hofherr, S. Moretti, J. Shim, S. Häuser, N. Safonova, M. Stiehl, A. Ali, S. Sakshath, J. Kim, D. Kim, H. Kim, J. Hong, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane, Mirko Cinchetti, Daniel Steil, Stefan Mathias, B. Stadtmüller, M. Albrecht, D. Kim, U. Nowak, Martin Aeschlimann, Physical Review B 986639, (2018).
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Universal prethermal dynamics of Bose gases quenched to unitarity
Christoph Eigen, Jake Glidden, Raphael Lopes, Eric Cornell, Robert Smith, Zoran Hadzibabic, Nature 563, 221-224 (2018).
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A multicolor riboswitch-based platform for imaging of RNA in live mammalian cells
Esther Braselmann, Aleksandra Wierzba, Jacob Polaski, Mikołaj Chromiński, Zachariah Holmes, Sheng-Ting Hung, Dilara Batan, Joshua Wheeler, Roy Parker, Ralph Jimenez, Dorota Gryko, Robert Batey, Amy Palmer, Nature Chemical Biology 14, 964-971 (2018).
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Amino Acid Stabilization of Nucleic Acid Secondary Structure: Kinetic Insights from Single-Molecule Studies
David Nicholson, Abhigyan Sengupta, Hsuan-Lei Sung, David Nesbitt, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122, 9869-9876 (2018).
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Angular momentum distribution in Rydberg states excited by a strong laser pulse
J. Venzke, Ran Reiff, Z. Xue, Agnieszka Jaron-Becker, Andreas Becker, Physical Review A 98, 043434 (2018).
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