rocket PHYS 5770 General Relativity Spring 2001: BHFS

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Stages of the BHFS

Students will work in groups of about 5. Each group will collaborate to develop an interactive Black Hole Flight Simulator. Development will progress through a series of timed stages, listed below.

Your group should complete your BHFS to the stage indicated by the date indicated. 3/8 of your overall grade will be based on evaluation of your group's BHFS at each stage.

Report on the BHFS

You will each individually write a final report on (some aspect of) your personal contribution to the group BHFS. I would imagine that your report might fill 3 typed pages, but there is no hard and fast rule.

You may choose to write your report as an html document.

 5770 Home PHYS 5770 Spring 2001 Homepage

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Updated 10 Jan 2001