Cosmological References

This is a sampling of some recent helpful references relevant to cosmology.

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The references below are organized into the following subjects:
Physical Constants

  • NIST's 1986 CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants which appeared in Physics Today, August 1996.

  • Eric Weisstein's Eric's Treasure Trove of Astronomy contains definitions and values of astronomical constants.

    Classical Measurements of Cosmological Parameters

  • Rob Kennicutt's Evolution of the Hubble constant 1975-1997. This is an updated (10 Mar 97) version of a graph which appeared in Kennicutt R. C., Freedman W. L. & Mould J. R. (1995) ``Measuring the Hubble Constant with the Hubble Space Telescope'', AJ, 110, 1476.

  • Perlmutter S., et al. (1997) ``Measurements of the Cosmological Parameters Omega and Lambda from the First 7 Supernovae at z >= 0.35'', ApJ, in press (astro-ph/9608192). Kim A. G., et al. (1997) ``Implications for the Hubble Constant from the First Seven Supernovae at z >= 0.35'', ApJ Letters, in press (astro-ph/9701188).

  • Carlberg R. G., Yee H. K. C., Ellingson E., Abraham R., Gravel P., Morris S. & Pritchet C. J. (1996) ``Galaxy Cluster Virial Masses and Omega'', ApJ, 462, 32.

  • Buchalter A., Helfand D. J., Becker R. H. & White R. L. (1997) ``Constraining Omega0 with the Angular-Size Redshift Relation of Double-Lobed Quasars in the FIRST Survey'', ApJ, in press (astro-ph/9709174).

  • Feast M. W. & Catchpole R. M. (1997) ``The Cepheid PL Zero-Point from Hipparcos Trigonometric Parallaxes'', MNRAS, 286, L1.

  • Madore B. F. & Freedman W. L. (1997) ``Hipparcos Parallaxes and the Cepheid Distance Scale'', ApJL, in press (astro-ph/9707091).

  • Chaboyer B., Demarque P., Kernan P. J. & Krauss L. M. (1997) ``The Age of Globular Clusters In Light of Hipparcos: Resolving the Age Problem'' (astro-ph/9706128).

  • Gratton R. G., Fusi Pecci F., Carretta E., Clementini G., Corsi C. E., & Lattanzi M. G. (1997) ``Distances and Absolute Ages of Galactic Globular Clusters from Hipparcos Parallaxes of Local Subdwarfs'' (astro-ph/9707107).

  • Crézé M., Chereul E., Bienaymé O., & Pichon C. (1997) ``The Distribution of Nearby Stars in Phase Space Mapped by Hipparcos: I. The Potential Well and Local Dynamical Mass'', A&A, in press (astro-ph/9709022). This paper concludes that the surface density of matter in the disk of the Milky Way near the Sun is 0.076 ± 0.015 solar masses pc-3, leaving no room for a disk-like component of Dark Matter, contradicting the established view dating back to Oort (1932).

    Large Scale Struture

  • Bertschinger E. (1995) ``Cosmological Dynamics'', Lecture notes bases on lectures given at Les Houches, Aug 1993 (astro-ph/9503125).

  • Eisenstein D. & Hu W. (1997) ``Baryonic Features in the Matter Transfer Function'', ApJ submitted (astro-ph/9709112) contains accurate analytic fits to CMBFAST linear transfer functions for matter fluctuations. Fortran, C, and SuperMongo versions of the Transfer function codes are provided. See also Hu W. & Eisenstein D. (1997) ``Small Scale Perturbations in a General MDM Cosmology'' (astro-ph/9710216); Eisenstein D. & Hu W. (1997) ``Power Spectra for Cold Dark Matter and its Variants'' (astro-ph/9710252).

  • Strauss M. A. (1997) ``Recent Advances in Redshift Surveys of the Local Universe'', to appear in Structure Formation in the Universe, ed. Dekel A. & Ostriker J. P., Cambridge University Press (astro-ph/9610033).

  • Hamilton A. J. S. (1997) ``Linear Redshift Distortions: A Review'', to appear in Ringberg Workshop on Large-Scale Structure, ed. Hamilton D., Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht (astro-ph/9708102).

  • Sigad Y., Eldar A., Dekel A., Strauss M. A. & Yahil A. (1997) ``IRAS versus Potent Density Fields on Large Scales: Biasing and Omega'' (astro-ph/9708141).

  • Willick J. A., Strauss M. A., Dekel A. & Kolatt, T. (1997) ``Maximum-Likelihood Comparisons of Tully-Fisher and Redshift Data: Constraints on Omega and Biasing'', ApJ 486, 629 (astro-ph/9612240).

  • Nolthenius R., Klypin A. A. & Primack J. R. (1997) ``Galaxy Groups, CDM/CHDM Cosmologies, and the Value of Omega0'', ApJ, 480, 43.

  • Weinberg D. H., Katz N. & Hernquist L. (1997) ``Simulating Cosmic Structure Formation'', to appear in Origins, ed. Shull J. M., Woodward C. E. & Thronson H., ASP Conferences Series (astro-ph/9708213).

  • The Virgo Consortium: Jenkins A., et al. (1997) ``Evolution of Structure in Cold Dark Matter Universes'' (astro-ph/9709010).

    Gravitational Lensing

  • Narayan R. & Bartelmann M. (1995) ``Lectures on Gravitational Lensing'', to appear in Formation of Structure in the Universe, ed. Dekel A. & Ostriker J. P., Cambridge University Press (astro-ph/9606001).

    Galaxy Formation

  • STScI's Synphot spectrum synthesizer, which includes for example Gustavo Bruzual's atlas of 77 stellar spectra, which are frequently used in the synthesis of galaxy spectra.

  • Madau P. (1997) ``The Hubble Deep Field and the Early Evolution of Galaxies'' 1997 7th International Origins Conference, Estes Park, CO (astro-ph/9707141).

    Cosmic Microwave Background

  • COBE DMR images.

  • Holtzman J. A. (1989) ``Microwave Background Anisotropies and Large-Scale Structure om Universes with Cold Dark Matter, Baryons, Radiation, and Massive and Massless Neutrinos'' ApJS, 71, 1.

  • The CMBFAST code for computing linear CMB and matter fluctuation power spectra. The CMBFAST code is based in part on Ed Bertschinger's COSMICS package. For links to other CMB spectral codes, see `Other CMB links' near the bottom of the page of Max Tegmark's CMB data analysis center.

  • Hu W., Seljak U., White M., & Zaldarriaga M. (1997) ``A Complete Treatment of CMB Anisotropies in a FRW Universe'', Phys. Rev. submitted (astro-ph/9709066). The final line of the abstract asserts, dramatically, ``With this work, the perturbation theory of CMB temperature and polarization anisotropy formation through the gravitational instability in an FRW universe may be considered complete''. This is a seriously good paper.

  • Zaldarriaga M., Seljak U. & Bertschinger E. (1997) ``Integral Solution for the Microwave Background Anisotropies in Non-Flat Universes'', (astro-ph/9704265).

  • Lineweaver C. H. & Barbosa D. (1997) ``What Can Cosmic Microwave Background Observations Already Say About Cosmological Parameters?'', (astro-ph/9706077).

  • Hancock S., Rocha G., Lasenby A. N. & Gutiérrez C. M. (1997) ``Constraints on Cosmological Parameters from Recent Measurements of CMB Anisotropy'' (astro-ph/9708254).

  • Challinor A. & Lasenby A. (1997) ``Recent Developments in the Calculation of CMB Anisotropies'' (astro-ph/9711028) on the covariant gauge-invariant formalism gives a taste of the edge of the envelope, for those who like edges of envelopes.

    Primordial Nucleosynthesis

  • Olive K. A. (1997) ``Primordial Nucleosynthesis and Dark Matter'', Summary of lectures given at the 1997 Lake Louise Winter Institute, Alberta, 16-20 Feb 1997 (astro-ph/9707212).

  • Schramm D. N. & Turner M. S. (1997) ``Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Enters the Precision Era'' submitted to Rev. Mod. Phys., (astro-ph/9706069).

  • Burles S. & Tytler D. (1997) ``The Neutral Hydrogen Column Density towards Q1937-1009 from the Unabsorbed Intrinsic Continuum in the Lyman alpha Forest'', AJ, in press (astro-ph/9707176).

  • Molaro P. (1997) ``Abundances of Big Bang Elements'', in Quantum Fluctuations to Cosmological Structures, Proc. 1st Moroccan School of Astrophysics, ed. Valls-Gabaud D., Hendry M., Molaro P. & Chamcham K., ASP Conf. Ser. 126, 103 (astro-ph/9709245).

  • Walker T. P., Steigman G., Schramm D. N., Olive K. A. & Kang H.-S. (1991) ``Primordial Nucleosynthesis Redux'' ApJ, 376, 51.

  • Boesgaard A. M. & Steigman G. (1985) ``Big Bang Nucleosynthesis - Theories and Observations'', ARA&A, 23, 319.

    Inflation and Particle Physics

  • Turner, M. (1997) ``Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Inflation'', to appear in Generation of Cosmological Large-Scale Structure, ed. Schramm D. N., Kluwer, Dordrecht (astro-ph/9704062).

  • Brandenberger R. H. (1997) ``Inflation, Topological Defects and Baryogenesis: Selected Topics at the Interface between Particles & Fields and Cosmology'' lectures at VII Mexican School of Particle Physics and the I Latin American Symposium on High Energy Physics, Merida, Mexico, Oct/Nov 96, (hep-ph/9702217).

  • Raffelt G. G. (1997) ``Neutrino Masses in Astrophysics and Cosmology'', to appear in Proc. Summer School on Physics with Neutrinos, Zuoz, Switzerland, 4-10 Aug 1996, ed. M. P. Locher (hep-ph/9704315). Raffelt G. G. (1997) ``Astrophysical Axion Bounds: An Update'', to appear in Beyond the Desert, Ringberg workshop 8-14 June 1997 (hep-ph/9707268).

  • Kamionkowski M. (1997) ``WIMP and Axion Dark Matter'', to appear in Proc. 1997 ICTP Summer School on High Energy Physics and Cosmology, Trieste, Italy, 2 Jun-4 Jul 1997 (hep-ph/9710467).

  • See also Olive K. A. (1997) listed under Primordial Nucleosynthesis.


  • Wall J. V. (1996) ``Practical Statistics for Astronomers - II. Correlation, Data-modelling and Sample Comparison'', QJRAS, 37, 519-563. A readable introduction to various statistical tests, with a bunch of references. Not specifically geared to cosmologists. Page 550 states ``for the most part our ignorance of statistics... is profound'', but then generously footnotes ``Let me note honourable exceptions... there is a high level of awareness and very sophisticated use of statistical inference in large-scale structure studies''. Paper I of this series (Wall J. V. 1979, QJRAS, 20, 138) is the source of the quote ``Astronomers cannot avoid statistics, and there are several reasons for this unfortunate situation''.

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