target ASTR 5110 Internal Processes 1 Fall 1999: Syllabus

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Grading will be weighted as follows:

Problem SetsEvery 1 or 2 weeks50%
Midterm23-30 Sep20%
Report & Presentation1-6 Dec30%
Oral exam10, 13 Dec10%

If you add that up, it comes to 110%. To make it 100%, I will drop the worst 10% of your score.

Problem sets will be handed out every one or two weeks; we'll see how that turns out in practice. Normally problems will be due on a Friday, and the aim is to have them graded by Monday, or if the skiing has been good by Wednesday, at which point we will devote some portion of the class period to discussing the problems.

The midterm will be on Statistical Mechanics, and will be a 24 hour take home exam, which you will complete in any consecutive 24 hour period during 23-30 Sep.

In place of a final, you will make a 10 minute presentation in class, and write an associated report, on a paper involving some application of Atomic, Molecular, or Radiation Physics in Astronomical or Planetary Science. Details at Reports and Presentations.

This final will be supplemented by a one-on-one oral exam, which is likely to cover not only material in your report and presentation, but also atomic, molecular, and radiation physics in general.

Invited Lectures

I will be away for 2 weeks during 8-19 Nov. Dick McCray and Mike Shull have kindly agreed to offer a self-contained set of lectures on Molecular Physics over that period.


The course falls into three parts:
  1. Statistical Mechanics (4 weeks)
  2. Atoms and Radiation (7 weeks)
  3. Molecules (2 weeks)

1. Statistical Mechanics (4 weeks)

2. Atoms and Radiation

3. Molecules (2 weeks)


 5110 Home ASTR 5110 Fall 99 Homepage

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Updated 7 Sep 1999