target ASTR 5110 Internal Processes 1 Fall 1999: Reports and Presentations

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30% of your grade in this course will come from a combination of a report and an associated 10 minute presentation on a Paper that involves some application of Atomic, Molecular, or Radiation Physics in Astronomical or Planetary Sciences.

You may reserve a paper to report on, and I will post reservations of papers and topics on this webpage. If you have a preference, then obviously it is in your interest to reserve a paper as early as possible.


  Topic Paper
Matt Browning AGN Hill et al (1999) ``Starburst or Seyfert? Using near-infrared spectroscopy to measure the activity in composite galaxies'', AJ 117, 111-125.
Nathaniel Cunningham Chromosphere C. Thun & A. Greve (1997) ``Paschen Decrement as a Density Indicator in MWC349'', Astron. Astrophys., 324, 699-703
Greg Herczeg Stellar Atmospheres C. Johns-Krull, J. Valenti, C. Koresko (1999) ``Measuring the Magnetic Field on the Classical T Tauri Star BP Tauri'', ApJ, 516, 900
Hilary Justh Greenhouse effect C. P. McKay, R. D. Lorenz, J. Lunine (1999) ``Analytic Solutions for the Antigreenhouse Effect: Titan and the Early Earth'' Icarus, 137, 56-61.
Ben Knowles Earth Aurora A. Omholt (1973) ``Particle Precipitation: Ionization and Excitation'', in Cosmical Geophysics, eds. A. Egeland, O. Holter., Scandinavian University Books, 221-235.
Glenn Laurent X-ray emission from clusters of galaxies C. L. Sarazin (1986) ``X-Ray Emission from Clusters of Galaxies'', Rev Mod Phys, 58, 1-115;
R. Mushotzky, M. Loewenstein, K.A. Arnaud (1996) ``Measurement of the Elemental Abundances in Four Rich Clusters of Galaxies. I. Observations'', ApJ 466, 686-694.
Kevin McGouldrick Brown dwarfs Ya. V. Pavlenko (1998) ``Li lines in the Spectra of Late M-Dwarfs: The Effects of Chromosphere-Like Structures'', Astronomy Reports, 42 n.4, 501-507.
Elinor Newman Jupiter in the near IR C. B. Cosmovici, S. Montebugnol, A. Orfei, S. Pogrebenko, P. Colom (1996) ``First evidence of planetary water maser emission induced by the comet/Jupiter catastrophic impact'', Planetary and Space Science, 44 (8), 735-739.
Andrew Steffl Jovian Aurora R. Prangé et al (1997) ``Detection of Self-Reversed Ly-alpha Lines From the Jovian Aurorae With the Hubble Space Telescope'', ApJ 484, L169-L173.
John Weiss Ozone on Icy Satellites A. R. Hendrix, C. A. Barth, and C. W. Hord (1999) ``Ganymede's Ozone-like Absorber: Observations by Galileo's UV Spectrometer'', Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, NoE6, 14169-14178.



Your writing should be clear, concise, and correct. Part of the grade on your report will be based on the quality of the writing.

Your report here should be in two parts: a description, and a critique. The first part, the description, should describe succinctly the principal arguments and results of the paper. The second part, the critique, should be in the style of a ``referee's report'', and should bring out the merits and faults of the paper.

You should imagine that the author(s) will read the report. Therefore you should be polite but factual at all times. If you make general criticisms, you should back these up with detailed specifics.

As referee, it is your responsibility to go through the paper with a fine toothcomb to check for errors, unclear statements, and misprints. If you like, you can mark up a copy of the paper, but this should not take the place of your report.

I would imagine that your report might fill 3 typed pages, but there is no hard and fast rule.


You should prepare your presentation on overhead transparencies. I would imagine that 3 transparencies would be entirely adequate, but there is no hard and fast rule.

If you want make a collaborative presentation with someone else, that is fine. However, you should write separate reports. You may not make presentations on exactly the same topic as someone else.

Suggested Topics

  1. Ozone
  2. Greenhouse effect
  3. Aurora
  4. 21cm hyperfine line of hydrogen
  5. Herbig-Haro objects
  6. The glowing rings around SN 1987A
  7. Water masers in M106 (NGC4258)
  8. Photoionization of the Intergalactic Medium
  9. X-ray emission from clusters of galaxies
  10. A paper of your choice, perhaps in your own special field of interest

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Updated 24 Nov 1999