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 schedule ASTR 2010 Modern Cosmology Spring 2022: Timetable

Week Tuesday Thursday
12 Mar 29
Hubble expansion
The Hubble Diagram of high redshift supernovae
Galaxy Clustering
The Standard ΛCDM Model of Cosmology
Mar 31
HW 5 due

The Cosmic Microwave Background
13 Apr 5
Hubble sees \(z = 6.2\) star
Large Scale Structure
Apr 7
Dark Matter
14 Apr 12
Star lifetimes
Evolution of the Universe
Apr 14
15 Apr 19
On line FCQs open
FCQs first 15 minutes of class
Crab Nebula M1 (SN 1054)
Science vs. Pseudoscience
HW 6 due
Apr 21
Guest lecture Prof. Nils Halverson “Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background”
Term Project due
16 Apr 26
On line FCQs due by 11.59pm
Inside Black Holes
Apr 28
17 May 3
Final exam: Short Answer (24 hours, all day)
Final exam: Multiple Choice (25 minutes, 4.30-7pm window)
May 5

 2010 Home ASTR 2010 Spring 2022 Homepage

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Updated 2022 Apr 28