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 summary ASTR 2010 Modern Cosmology Spring 2022: Weekly Summaries

Week 12 (Mar 29): The Standard ΛCDM Model of Cosmology

Hubble expansion

  • Hubble diagram of thermonuclear supernovae

  • At the January 1998 meeting of the American Astronomical Society, two independent groups announced that the Hubble diagram of thermonuclear supernovae at high redshift indicated that the Universe was accelerating. This implied that the Universe must be dominated by some gravitationally repulsive substance — Dark Energy. This revolution led to the “Standard ΛCDM Model of Cosmology”, in which the mass-energy of the Universe consists of the following:
    Substance Properties Fraction of the mass-energy of the Universe Main observational evidence
    Dark Energy Gravitationally repulsive. Could be quantum mechanical vacuum energy (equivalent to a cosmological constant Λ)? 70% Hubble diagram of high redshift thermonuclear supernovae; and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB).
    Non-baryonic Dark Matter Heavy, weakly interacting particles not yet discovered in the lab. 25% The clustering of Galaxies; and the CMB.
    Baryonic Matter Atoms. The kind of stuff that you and planets and stars are made of. From Greek baryos = heavy (referring to protons and neutrons). 5% The primordial abundances of light elements (H, D, 3He, 4He, Li); and the CMB.
    Neutrinos Light, weakly interacting particles, that fly freely through the Earth without stopping. < 1% Upper limits on neutrino masses; and the CMB.
    Photons Mostly the Cosmic Microwave Background. 0.006 % We see it!
    Total:    100% CMB indicates that the Universe is geometrically flat.

    Piechart composition of the Universe

    Cosmic Microwave Background

    Week 13 (Apr 5): Large Scale Structure, Dark Matter

  • The Hubble expansion is not perfect. Small ripples in the initial smooth distribution of matter in the Universe grew by gravity, collapsing into galaxies and groups of galaxies.

  • The Local Group of galaxies is the local region of the Universe that has turned around from the general Hubble expansion, and is beginning to collapse for the first time.

  • The Local Supercluster of galaxies is our piece of the cosmic web.

  • Galaxies routinely collide.

    Dark Matter

    Weeks 14 & 15 (Apr 12 & 19): The Birth of the Universe

    Evolution of the Universe


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    Updated 2022 Apr 19