Shuo Sun

New Roadmap Article Published in PRX Quantum


Shuo is among over 30 scientists and engineers from academia, industry, and national laboratories to identify the present roadblocks that need to be overcome to create functioning quantum interconnects across the necessary range of quantum information technology platforms. The consensus of the participants is that there are concepts and technologies whose development warrants a large, synergistic, and convergent effort involving a range of expertise on a national scale. This roadmap paper summarizes the consensus and highlight the exciting future directions for quantum interconnects. 


Jordan is a non-traditional student who previously worked in product design and came to the University of Colorado Boulder in 2020 for a second bachelor's degree in physics. He has several years of experience with hardware design and fabrication, as well as programming and basic electronics. Jordan is eager to explore quantum optics and photonics through undergraduate research.


Frankie obtained his BS from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2020, and subsequently joined the Sun Group as a Physics PhD student at the University of Colorado Boulder. Frankie did his undergraduate research in the Wang Lab (CUHK) on "High Field Imaging of NaRb Molecules". He also spent the summers working in the Gadway Lab at UIUC on "Counter-diabatic Control on Momentum State Transfers", and in the Bernien Lab at the University of Chicago on "Optical Tweezers Generation". His favourite food is Hot Pot, and his favourite restaurant is the Black Dog in Champaign.


Yuan obtained his BS from Peking University in 2019, and subsequently joined the Sun Group as a Physics PhD student at the University of Colorado Boulder. His undergraduate research mainly focused on theoretical and experimental studies of quantum simulation with cold atoms in shaken optical lattices. He is currently interested in light-matter interactions in nanophotonic systems, generation of highly-entangled states and their applications in quantum communication and quantum computation.