Thermal nano-physics: near-field radiation, optical forces, and chemical nano-imaging


The next CU Phonon Club seminar of the semester will be held this Wednesday, April 26th @12pm in JILA X317. Please join us for a great talk, interesting discussion, and FREE FOOD (empanadas)! Hope to see you there! Additionally, if anyone is interested in being involved in the organization of CU Phonon Club, please email: emma.nelson-1@colorado.edu.



Study on Metal-Ligand Interactions: Infrared Ion Spectroscopy of Coordination Compounds


Abstract: A molecular level investigation of metal-ligand interactions that govern structure and function in coordination complexes. Coordination compounds perform a wide variety of important chemical tasks, from the biochemical transport of molecules and ions to industrial applications in electrocatalysis and contaminant sequestration. Coordination chemistry with organic ligands is ubiquitous, providing chemical access to over half of the periodic table.

Setting Experimental Bounds on Entangled Two-Photon Absorption Cross Sections


Entangled two-photon absorption (E2PA) is a process in which entangled photon pairs are used instead of a pulsed laser to excite a two-photon transition. The correlation of these photons in time and space may improve the excitation efficiency. In this work, we develop experimental apparatuses that enable sensitive measurements of E2PA via both transmittance and fluorescence-based schemes. We show strong evidence that E2PA cross sections are several orders of magnitude lower than many prior reports claimed.

Universal quantum correlations with reduced density matrices


Strong quantum correlations lie in the center of many fascinating physical phenomena, as for instance quantum phase transitions. A direct way to study quantum correlations in many body systems is to compute certain observables with the respective wave function. Yet, it is known that reduced density matrices are able to describe and predict directly the bulk of physical features of such quantum phenomena, overcoming the curse of dimensionality of wave-function-based theories.

Introduction to Computational Imaging


Abstract: This tutorial will introduce computational imaging as a broad range of techniques in which algorithms play a major role in the final image formation process. The basic recipe for computational imaging involves coming up with a forward model that can simulate/predict what your imaging system measures. This model is computationally inverted to reconstruct the object under investigation. We will also discuss how to incorporate prior knowledge and constructs from machine learning into the computational reconstruction algorithms to improve the image reconstruction fidelity.

Exploring Social Identities Workshop


The Exploring Social Identities workshop is an hour long workshop designed for participants to recognize their own intersecting identities and those of others, while learning to be empathetic and open-minded to the experiences of others. This workshop will include in-depth conversations as well as tasty snacks. Hope to see you all there!