Entanglement optimization in quantum trajectories


Abstract: In this talk I present a method to solve the equations of motion of open quantum many-body systems. It is based on a combination of generalized wave function trajectories and matrix product states. More specifically, we developed an adaptive quantum stochastic propagator, which minimizes the expected entanglement in the many-body quantum state, thus minimizing the computational cost of the matrix product state representation of quantum trajectories.

Dipolar spin-exchange and entanglement between molecules in an optical tweezer array


Abstract: Ultracold polar molecules are promising candidate qubits for quantum computing and quantum simulations. Their long-lived molecular rotational states form robust qubits, and the long-range dipolar interaction between molecules provides quantum entanglement. We demonstrate dipolar spin-exchange interactions between single CaF molecules trapped in an optical tweezer array.

Soft X-ray Generation Using Mid-Infrared Femtosecond Lasers at High kHz Repetition Rates


AbstractHigh harmonic generation is a unique short wavelength light source with high spatial and temporal coherence, enabling ultrafast pump-probe studies of dynamics in chemical reactions, biological systems, and technologically relevant materials. For soft x-ray generation, this requires ultrafast lasers operating at high pulse energy and high repetition rate in the mid-infrared spectral region, which remain a challenging technology.

Exploring superradiance for enhanced sensors


I’ll discuss two experimental results that utilize the collective emission of strontium atoms within a cavity, aimed at advancing atomic clock technology. In our first investigation, we employ superradiant pulses from the cavity mode as a fast and directed atomic population readout, mapping out a unique Ramsey spectroscopic lineshape and demonstrating the potential for multiple readouts within a single experimental cycle. In our second investigation, we extend these pulses using an incoherent repumping scheme, achieving steady-state lasing for over a millisecond on the kHz transition.