Measuring How Students Measure


Abstract: Physics education research in undergraduate laboratory courses is vital to ensure that these courses achieve their learning goals, such as developing hands-on technical skills and mastering concepts and practices related to measurement uncertainty. In this talk, I cover my role in developing a research-based assessment instrument, the Survey of Physics Reasoning on Uncertainty Concepts in Experiments (SPRUCE).

Adiabatic passage and geometric phases: are they hot or not?

In this informal seminar I will present an appraisal of adiabatic passage which transforms quantum states much better than one should expect (and I will explain why this is the case). And I will discuss an often stated claim that geometric phases, used in many  gate proposals for quantum computing, are particularly robust because of their geometric character (and I will explain why I think this is not the case).

A high optical access cryogenic optical tweezer array

Abstract: Arrays of single trapped neutral atoms are an important platform for quantum metrology, simulation, and information processing. Interacting Rydberg atom arrays have undergone rapid scaling in qubit numbers and improvements in coherent control in recent years. Placing Rydberg atoms inside a cryogenic environment is of interest for reducing background gas collisions and blackbody radiation-induced decay.

Realization of a Quantum-Optical Spin Glass


Abstract: Spin glasses—large-scale networks of spins with deeply frustrated interactions—are canonical examples of complex matter. Although much about their structure remains uncertain, they inform the description of a wide array of complex phenomena, ranging from magnetic ordering in metals with impurities to aspects of evolution, protein folding, climate models, and combinatorial optimization. Indeed, spin glass theory forms a mathematical basis for neuromorphic computing and brain modeling.

Tabletop Coherent Extreme Ultraviolet Metrology and Imaging of Nanostructures

Abstract: Nanoscale fabrication has progressed to the level where detailed near nanometer structure can be routinely produced. As fabrication scales shrink to atomistic scales, a corresponding need for high precision characterization is in demand. The use of extreme ultraviolet light (EUV) for patterning of small-scale features has seen considerable development and application in recent years.

Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Ultrafast Excitations in Magnetic Alloys


The next generation of logic devices may rely on very fast switching of magnetic states. In this thesis, I utilize ultrafast pulsed lasers to measure and manipulate magnetic states on their fundamental timescales: ranging from few-femtoseconds spin-transfers in Heusler alloys to magnetization reorientations in ferrimagnets which take tens of picoseconds. I utilize high harmonic generation to produce a tabletop extreme ultraviolet probe for resonant measurements.

Twisting, Binding, and Probing Matter Waves in a Rubidium Cavity-QED system


Large ensembles of laser-cooled atoms interacting via photon-mediated interactions are powerful platforms for quantum simulation and sensing. In this work, I will present a cavity-QED system with matter waves coupled to a high-finesse cavity. In this system, we successfully generated entanglement between atomic momentum states and realized the first entangled matter-wave interferometer.