JILA Auditorium

Gas flows and metal enrichment in and around simulated galaxies


Abstract: Galaxies are intimately connected to the environments they live in. The haloes around them contain the gas reservoir from which the galaxies grow, while galactic outflows heat and enrich this circumgalactic medium (CGM). The elemental abundances of present-day stars are, in part, set by these cosmic gas flows. Using zoom-in cosmological simulations of galaxies, I will discuss the physical and observable properties of gas and stars in and around galaxies.

How driving force and charge transfer distance control free charge generation at donor/acceptor interfaces


Abstract:  I present evidence that electron-transfer in model organic photovoltaic blends can be modeled as a competition between short and long-range electron transfer events, each described by a Marcus parabola having different reorganization energies for the most localized charge-transfer (CT) state and the mobile free charge (CT) state.