Lewandowski Group
Heather Lewandowski group
Cold Molecular Collisions
Our lab studies elastic and inelastic collisions between atoms and molecules in the cold temperature regime to understand how the collision energy and quantum states impact the interactions.
Cold Ions/Cold Neutrals
We are in the process of combining apparatuses to study cold ion-neutral reactions.
Cold Ions/Warm Neutrals
Reactions of cold ions with warm neutrals
Mid-IR Molecular Spectroscopy
Measuring the vibrational spectra of cold, isolated molecules using a mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectroscopy setup
Cryogenic Buffer-gas Cooled Beams
Generation of cold, isolated molecules using a Cryogenic Buffer-Gas Beam (CBGB)
Traveling-wave Deceleration
The traveling wave decelerator utilizes ring electrodes charged to voltages that vary sinusoidially both in space and time.