Quantum Information Science & Technology

Congratulations to Quynh Nguyen for Being Awarded the Stanford Q-FARM Bloch Postdoc Fellowship


Q-FARM (Quantum Fundamentals, ARchitectures and Machines) is Stanford's initiative in quantum science and engineering.  The QFARM student fellowships are awarded to advanced graduate students working in quantum science and engineering.  Fellowship criteria are excellence in their research, and demonstrated potential for building new links within the Stanford quantum community.  Each awardee receives two years of funding.

New papers up!


In the past month, the group has put up two new preprints. 

- In the strontium experiment, we report the generation of entangled Bell states, prepared in optical clock qubits, whose phase coherence persists for more than 4 seconds. This uses a gate scheme proposed by M. Martin and I. Deutsch, based on Rydberg-mediated interactions. See the preprint here.

- On the Ytterbium experiment, we report our first results preparing, controlling, and detecting arrays of nuclear spin qubits of 171Yb. We observe high fidelity control with sub-microsecond pulse times. We also demonstrate low-entropy array preparation through deterministic loading techniques via the use of narrow-line transitions and Raman-sideband cooling to near the motional ground state. See the preprint here.