Degenerate Polar Molecules with Controlled Interactions and Reactivity.

Speaker Name/Affiliation
William Tobias (Ye Group) / JILA
Seminar Type
Location (Room)
JILA Auditorium
Event Details & Abstracts

Abstract: Ultracold polar molecules, which have complex internal state structures and dipole moments tunable with external electric fields, are a promising system for studying many-body physics. Producing degenerate molecules and observing quantum effects has been prevented by high initial temperatures and rapid loss from chemical reactions. In this talk, I describe the creation of degenerate potassium-rubidium (KRb) molecules by pairing in an atomic mixture. We apply electric fields to control dipolar interactions and vary chemical reaction rates over orders of magnitude. We also develop the capability to address the molecule distribution with nanometer-scale precision, enabling sub-wavelength electric field sensing and microscopic control of interacting ultracold molecules.



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