Exploring (some of) the rich physics of dipolar lattice gases

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Luis Santos (Leibniz University Hannover & JILA Visiting Fellow)
Seminar Type
Seminar Type Other
Visiting Fellow Colloquium
Location (Room)
Event Details & Abstracts

Abstract: Ultracold dipolar gases, formed by atoms or molecules with strong dipole-dipole interactions, present radically different physics compared to their non-dipolar counterparts. In this talk, I will focus on dipolar gases in optical lattices or tweezer arrays. I will first discuss the case of spin models realized by pinned dipoles in optical lattices, commenting on the intriguing relaxation dynamics of spin patterns in bilayer and ladder set ups, and then briefly browsing over some interesting disorder scenarios in dipolar spin models. I will then move to dipolar extended Hubbard models, in which polarized dipoles move via hopping in the lattice. I will discuss two topics. The first one, which illustrates the rich ground-state physics of these models, concerns a very recent project in which we have shown that dipolar hard-core bosons constitute a novel scenario for the study of crystal melting, and in particular floating phases. The second one, which concerns the intriguing non-equilibrium dynamics of polar lattice gases, deals with the possibility of realizing Hilbert-space fragmentation and disorder-free localization.