Generating quantum correlations between light and microwaves with a chip-scale device

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Srujan Meesala / Cal Tech
Seminar Type
Seminar Type Other
JILA Fellow Candidate Colloquium
Location (Room)
JILA Auditorium
Event Details & Abstracts
Abstract: Experimental capabilities in modern quantum science allow the control of quantum states in a variety of solid-state systems such as superconducting circuits, defect centers, and chip-scale optical and acoustic structures. Controlling interactions between physically different qubits across such experimental systems is a frontier in the quest to build quantum hardware at scale and to probe the coherence limits of solid-state quantum objects. I will present recent progress on constructing a quantum interconnect between superconducting qubits and optical photons. By integrating specially engineered optical, acoustic, and superconducting components into a chip-scale piezo-optomechanical transducer, we made a photon pair source and used it to generate single optical and microwave photons in entangled pairs. Such a device can be used to entangle superconducting qubits in distant cryogenic nodes using room-temperature optical communication channels. I will discuss open challenges with such transducers and a few near-term routes to address them. I will conclude with results from a different set of experiments where we used nanomechanical devices to control the electronic structure and coherence limits of a defect center spin.