Black Marble: Exploring the Earth's Dark Side

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Will Holsclaw, Ph.D student/CU Department of History
Seminar Type
Seminar Type Other
Fiske Planetarium-Science Under the Dome Series
Location (Room)
Fiske Planetarium
Event Details & Abstracts

Black Marble: Exploring the Earth's Dark Side

Our Earth is a Blue Marble shining in the sun's light... but that's only half the story. The Earth's dark side -- the Black Marble -- tells the story of human movements, conflicts, our impact on the environment, even the dynamics of the global pandemic. New satellites and spectacular astronaut photography have revolutionized what we can see in our planet's shadow. We will explore these latest images to discover the data they reveal and the tales they tell.


Will Holsclaw is a second year PhD student in the Department of History.  He studies the global history of the Space Age, specifically the intersection between space and international politics. He is currently researching the Soviet Union’s Interkosmos human spaceflight program of the 1970s and 80s. In 2019 he earned his BA at CU, majoring in History and Classics with a Space Minor. Will is a fanatic for old maps and movies. He’s a diehard space and planetarium buff and recently joined the ranks of the Science Under the Dome facilitators.