Scrambling and dissipation-driven phase transitions in the dynamics of quantum information

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Sagar Vijay /University of California, Santa Barbara
Seminar Type Other
CTQM Theory Colloquium
Location (Room)
Duane Physics Room G126
Event Details & Abstracts


Lunch will be provided at 12:00pm, so please come early to eat mingle and eat lunch before the talk begins.


Abstract:  Protecting quantum information against the destructive effects of a noisy environment requires “encoding” the information, often in a quantum many-body system.  Subsequently, active error-correction, involving repeated measurements of the quantum many-body system followed by feedback, can reverse the effects of the dissipative environment, thus preserving an encoded state.  In contrast, can the intrinsic chaotic dynamics of the quantum many-body system, which rapidly scrambles quantum information, be sufficient to counteract the destructive effects of noise even in the absence of active feedback?  In this talk, we show that this can indeed be the case.  Specifically, in a quantum many-body system subject to dissipation at its boundary, the scrambling dynamics of the system can give rise to two kinds of dynamical phases, one in which information encoded in the system is completely lost to the environment, and another in which the information is preserved.  We discuss the nature of these phases and of the phase transition, by studying models of quantum circuit evolution, and comment on the relevance of these results for designing quantum codes.