The Big Bang: The Universe, Past, Present and Future

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Professor Paul Beale / Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Colorado Boulder
Location (Room)
Duane Physics Room G1B30
Event Details & Abstracts

Science is a human endeavor. The discovery that the universe began abruptly 13.8 billion years ago is one of the great scientific stories of the last century. We will explore the empirical evidence of the Big Bang, the scientific framework that allows us to infer with considerable certainty what happened in the first moments of the universe, the scientists that solved the puzzle of how that led to our existence, and what the future holds.


The Saturday Physics Series consists of scheduled talks oriented toward adults and high school students, which makes it an excellent opportunity for Physics teachers to offer extra credit to students. The series is free and open to the public.


For more information about the Saturday Physics Lecture Series, please go to