Saturn’s Rings: Implications for Structure, Dynamics and Origins

Speaker Name/Affiliation
Larry Esposito / APS & LASP
Location (Room)
JILA Auditorium
Event Details & Abstracts
"The planned speaker for 17 October was to be Néstor Espinoza
(STScI), but unfortunately it has been necessary to defer his colloquium to
later in the semester, 28 November.  We are grateful to Larry Esposito for
volunteering to fill the 17 Oct slot at short notice."

A Pretty Image from the Talk


Saturn ring occultation statistics from Cassini give the size and
shape of ring particles, clumps and gaps in Saturn's rings. Statistics of
UVIS star occultations measure structures as small as meters, on times
scales of minutes to decades. Our results are consistent with a simple
dynamical model of the rings, analogous to an ecological Predator-Prey
interaction.  Perturbed by passing density waves, self-gravity wakes grow
and erode on orbital timescales. Similar resonant perturbations may trigger
planet growth in a debris disk.

Recordings available at: