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 schedule ASTR 3740 Black Holes Spring 2007: Timetable

Week Topic Monday Wednesday Friday
1 Special Relativity Jan 15
Martin Luther King day
Jan 17
Jan 19
2 Jan 22
Jan 24
Jan 26
Spacetime diagrams
3 Jan 29
Video on Special Relativity: The Mechanical Universe Lessons 41-44
Jan 31
Homework 1 due in class
Paradoxes, Time dilation, Lorentz contraction
Last day to drop for free
Feb 2
Spacetime Wheel
4 Feb 5
What things actually look like at relativistic speeds
Feb 7
Feb 9
In class Project 1: Tachyons
5 Feb 12
Homework 2 due in class
Feb 14
Summary Session
Feb 16
6 General Relativity,
Black Holes
Feb 19
Postulates of GR
Feb 21
Principle of Equivalence
Feb 23
Geodesics, metric
Homework 3 due in class
7 Feb 26
Schwarzschild geometry
Feb 28
Spacetime/Penrose diagrams
Mar 2
River Model of BHs
8 Mar 5
Schwarzschild wormhole
Mar 7
Charged Black Holes
Mar 9
Homework 4 due in class
In class Project 2: River Model
9 Mar 12
Mass inflation
Mar 14
Rotating Black Holes
Th Mar 15
Evening Summary Session 5-5:50pm Duane G131
Mar 16
Fiske: "Black Holes"
10 Mar 19
Mar 21
Prof. Webster Cash "MAXIM"
Mar 23 No class
11   Spring Break
12 Cosmology Apr 2
Hubble expansion
Apr 4
Homework 5 due in class
Apr 6
FRW metric
13 Apr 9
Friedmann equations
Apr 11
Matter, radiation, vacuum
Apr 13
14 Apr 16
Cosmic Microwave Background
Apr 18
Homework 6 due in class
Apr 20
In class Project 3
15 Apr 23
Dark Matter
Apr 25
Primordial Nucleosynthesis
Apr 27
Fiske: "Big Bang"
16 Apr 30
May 2
Homework 7 due in class
Summary Session
May 4
Summary Session
17     Wednesday May 9
1.30-4pm Final

 3740 Home ASTR 3740 Spring 2007 Homepage

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Updated 2 Apr 2007