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 book ASTR 3740 Relativity & Cosmology Spring 2007: Texts

Since I will not be following any one book, I will not be requiring that you buy any single book in particular. As a practical matter, however, you will probably find it helpful to get a copy of my notes (see below).

One of the best relativity resources on the web is Chris Hillman's Relativity on the World Wide Web, which amongst other things contains a listing of Undergraduate Level Lecture Notes and Articles. Chris Hillman and others have compiled a comprehensive Guide to books on Relativity.

One of the best cosmology resources on the web is Ned Wright's Cosmology tutorial, which includes a Cosmology bibliography, a Cosmology FAQ, and sections on the Age of the Universe and on Astronomical Distances. Ned Wright also offers a set of upper division undergraduate lecture notes on Stellar Systems and Cosmology.


You can download this and print them at your leisure. I will be lecturing from these notes.

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Updated 16 Jan 2007